Your Mind Also Needs To Rest

Your mind also needs to rest

It is impossible to live under constant stress and always rush around, because neither the body nor the mind can handle such high levels of activation for a long time. Doing so will waste a lot of energy and cause your performance to drop to the bottom as the hours and days go by. But the world we live in is so competitive that we do not really know how to rest, even though we need it. This brings us one step closer to an anxiety disorder.

It will not do any good to engage in various relaxation techniques or go to yoga three times a week if you can not stop for a while in the middle of the day to get some peace, because your mind also needs to rest. However, it can be difficult to stop anxious thoughts moving in our heads, partly because we have not learned how. Do you remember a day when you were not very focused on your phone? When was the last time you did something you really liked?

You do not have to take a vacation to relax. A simple weekend, a day or a few hours can be enough to break up the heat that surrounds you, or that you even feel trapped in. The problem is the way you take advantage of this time. Can you really disconnect?

Future projects will probably spin in your mind; For example, things to do on Monday, the people you need to call and a number of other responsibilities that prevent you from enjoying the days you need to rest. Pushing things that overwhelm you aside for a while makes you feel irresponsible, even though you can not do anything about them until you get back to work on Monday. And then the weekend will be nothing more than a wait for that moment, with all the stress that of course comes with it!

Nurture the mental

You can rest well and take advantage of the time you are free by performing various activities and thinking in other ways than during the days when you have duties. So you can step up at another time and not rush through breakfast because you do not have to go to work. However, we get used to routines, and it is difficult to break away from them. That is why we make mistakes when it comes to rest.

First and foremost , we try to plan everything without leaving room for improvisation, which means that everything unexpectedly constitutes a conflict. We do not put our phones aside, do not turn them off and do not put them in airplane mode. And finally, we do not dare to try new and crazy things, and the big question is: why?

A clear example of this can be seen during holidays, when we get a few days holiday. But what should be an enjoyable time turns into pure torture. Family gatherings, visiting relatives, going away to take advantage of the holidays… everything becomes too much!

Remember this during your moments of rest. If you do not let go of stress when you are not working, when are you going to do it? You fill up your schedule because you’re afraid of not knowing how to proceed when you have nothing to do, but you just have to let go. Maybe you want to spend a day at home reading, watching TV or doing something completely unproductive. It is okay. You should not feel bad about it, because you deserve it, and your mind also needs to rest.

Relax in the mind

Maybe you think it’s a waste of time to rest and that you become more productive by not taking breaks. However, you are wrong. Being in a working position all the time does not lead to better results. Instead, it causes problems such as stress, anxiety and depression to appear faster. Want to learn more about the benefits of rest?

  • It makes you noticeably more creative. If your job requires you to be inventive and imaginative, learn that when you do not feel inspired, your work will suffer. Being stubborn will not help you; you need to relax, do something you like and relax for a while. You do not waste time, because when you go back to work, you will not have to hit bloody against the wall that previously stood there. Everything will start to flow more easily.
  • It improves your judgment and your decision making. Making decisions is an important part of life, because they can take you further or further away from what you want. When your mind is full, it is impossible for you to see things clearly enough to be able to analyze all possible options and feel satisfied with the results of your decision.
  • It reduces stress and anxiety. Good rest reduces your activation levels. When you suffer from stress, your cortisol levels increase, which has consequences for the body, especially if it becomes chronic. Headaches, weakened immune system, digestive problems and chronic fatigue are just a few examples.
  • It makes you happier. When the negative thought patterns disappear from your mind, it begins to release endorphins, which are known as the happiness hormones. As a result, you can enjoy what is happening around you and feel more balanced as well as peaceful.
Head of leaves

If you know how to rest properly, your performance at work will increase, and do not forget that it is not only your body that needs vacation – your mind also needs to rest. You will feel full of energy and optimism to start the day with. And if you go back to your routine and start feeling exhausted again, it’s because you did not really relax. Being obsessed with your vacation and wanting to do too many things does not mean that you will get the most out of it. Do not plan everything, just let it flow and above all enjoy it.

If you do not waste time doing what you have to do, why do you do it when you deserve to rest? If you do not take advantage of weekends and holidays that you long for so much, your expectations may be too high. Remember that your free time has a beginning, but also an end.

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