Working From Home With Children In The House

Many of us nowadays have no choice but to work from home. But how can you best handle this when you have children to take care of?
Working from home with children in the house

You’re in the middle of a business meeting and suddenly your child shows up and says, ‘Dad, can you help me find my toy?’ You ask him to wait a minute but he says, “No! Now!” This situation can be both frustrating and difficult. There may be times when it may seem impossible to work from home with children in the house.

However, there are ways to avoid these problems and deal with potential frustration in a constructive way. It is normal to feel a little disoriented during the first few days, as your home has suddenly been transformed into both your workplace and a classroom.

Therefore, it is important to know how to handle this extraordinary situation so that you are able to fulfill your tasks, have time to help your children with their homework and also find time for all other chores, such as cooking, washing and cleaning. .

A father chooses to work from home with his son next door

It is good to set schedules but at the same time be flexible when you have to work from home

It can be difficult to work from home and take care of the children at the same time. Therefore, you should create a schedule that everyone respects and follows. At what time does your work begin? When are you going to wake the children?

The answers to these questions and a few others give you the guidelines you need to organize your days and avoid interruptions during your work day. However, we are talking about children here, so you need to be flexible.

On the other hand, although you may be clear with your schedule, it is normal for unforeseen events to occur. For example, if your children are a little older, you can agree with them that they can come and see you five minutes every hour to ask questions.

Even if you agree on everything and your children are willing to stick to the schedule, it is still likely that unforeseen interruptions will occur. During these moments, it is important that you keep a positive attitude. Here, for example, controlled breathing can be a method that is very helpful.

If you work from home with children in the house, you will have difficulty completing an eight-hour working day in the usual way. You need to adjust the time you have to work around your children’s schedules to avoid these interruptions. Maybe you should get up earlier to get a head start? You must decide this yourself with regard to how active your youngest children are during the morning, day and evening.

Talking to your children is important

This is another important point. Working from home with children is only possible if you reach an agreement. The book Practical Guide for Mental Health in Disaster Situations (Practical Guide for Mental Health in Disaster Situations) believes that children are capable of understanding that certain situations are difficult. This means that they work best when they understand what is happening and why it is important that they work together.

You need to have an open dialogue with them to explain what is happening. You need to explain why they need to be at home and that there are certain times of the day when they should engage in quiet activities or games that do not require your help.

That way, even though they may need your attention in exceptional circumstances, they will be aware that you are working, and thus think before they bother you.

A mother talking to her son

Divide areas in the home to be able to work efficiently from home

Dividing different areas at home is a method that can work very well. Each part of the home should be devoted to a specific activity. For example, places to play should not be in the area you set aside to work. Also delimit a special part of the home where your children can study and do their homework.

You can make this a kind of play so that your children feel involved. In this way, they create an awareness of the different areas: where mom or dad works, where their “school” is and where the place for play is. If you follow these guidelines, it will be much easier for you to work from home with your children in the house.

In addition to doing all of the above: To be able to perform telework with children nearby, you must not forget that it is also important for you to spend quality time with your children. This means that when you have stopped working, you should play with them, talk to them, read a story together… It is important for you to do this so that they feel noticed.

Start writing a diary

The newspaper La Vanguardia has published a diary that an eight-year-old boy began writing when COVID-19 isolation began. This diary gave him the opportunity to express his experiences and experiences, as well as describe his feelings and thoughts. Clearly, this was a very positive activity for him, and maybe one that you should try with your kids.

Do you do most of your work from home and take care of your children at the same time? How has it been so far?

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