Why You Can Not Stop Procrastinating

Do you find it difficult to get started with a task? Do you tend to procrastinate too much and do not know why? This situation can be very frustrating. In this article, we show some of the possible reasons why it happens this way.
Why you can not stop procrastinating

I can not stop procrastinating. “” It’s impossible for me to do things right away. “Many have experienced this, perhaps especially during the past year 2020. It is as if discipline, initiative and motivation have suddenly been flushed down the drain. It is definitely an uncomfortable feeling that makes it difficult to work, enjoy relationships and achieve long-term goals.

This kind of reality is not trivial. This lack of desire and everyday motivation acts as a rust on your mental muscle and weakens it more and more as time goes on. To experience such a low efficiency and experience that even the smallest thing requires so much effort is exhausting and frustrating.

It is important to learn how to handle these types of situations. You can not let this debilitating state of mind accompany you for more than two or three days. In fact, if this haunts you for weeks or months, it could be a sign of a psychological problem, such as depression.

Let’s dig a little deeper into this subject.

Why you can not stop procrastinating – reasons you should consider

There are days when you feel ready to handle anything and others when you feel incompetent right from the start. We’re here to tell you that this is perfectly normal. It is basically impossible to always have the same lively attitude to life, the same spirit and the same desires. You are a person, not a robot, and having ups and downs is completely expected and normal.

We understand that it can be a little scary for a person, who is used to working hard every day and taking matters into their own hands, to be confronted with this problem. The truth is that in such a case, it is important to consider all possible health problems, such as malnutrition of iron, magnesium or B vitamins, thyroid disorders and hormonal changes. All of these conditions can lead to discouragement and lack of physical energy.

Excessive anxiety and uncertainty

John Milton said that your own mind can make your life a living hell or a heaven. Thus, as you go through times where the anxieties are many and the quiet days are few, the brain resorts to the classic stress responses. It is as if your cognitive abilities were suddenly interrupted. In an instant, you find that you can not think clearly or manage your responsibilities.

All of this is due to the excessive anxiety that in turn accompanies an emotional state characterized by anxiety and desperation. At the same time, it is more common to be uncertain about the future than many people think. It can be very difficult to think about what the future could bring, and this catches one in a stunned mental state.

A man who can not finish the job

I can not stop procrastinating – what can I do?

It’s hard for me to start doing things, I know that the earlier I start, the sooner I get done, but I simply can not find the courage or motivation required to get started with the job. Thus, I end up simply not doing anything. The worst thing is that I feel depressed and an extreme discomfort from acting like this.

Procrastination is the worst life partner because a delayed fulfillment of tasks causes negative emotions to rise. As a result, the image you have of yourself can be distorted, you can lose your sense of self-efficacy and almost without realizing it, you end up in a deep hole of depression.

A study at Pamukkale University in Turkey also shows that procrastination usually goes hand in hand with irrational thoughts. For example, thinking that everything will go wrong, that you are incompetent or that people will judge you for some reason. In addition, the following factors are common:

  • to show aversion to certain tasks
  • great fear of failing and making mistakes
  • perfectionism
  • feelings of lack of control over one’s surroundings
  • underlying depression or high anxiety level

The fear that paralyzes you

You’ve probably been wondering for a while why you simply can not stop procrastinating. Several days have passed and things do not seem to be changing. The number of tasks to complete is increasing every day, making you feel like you will collapse at any time. If you notice that you feel that way, then ask yourself, “What am I really afraid of?”

Communicator Eduard Punset said that happiness is the absence of fear, and we agree. You may be reflecting and thinking that from now on you are not afraid of anything. Sometimes it is difficult to realize how much a simple fear can stop you from doing what you need to do.

Think about it: Most people are afraid of the future and what it may bring. It is common to be afraid of the unknown, it is normal to feel stressed by the possibility that things will not go your way. These sensations are caused by the quiet but diffuse and persistent fear that inhibits motivation.

A woman wearing glasses drinking coffee

It’s not laziness, it’s misfortune

Have you ever had the thought that the reason you can not stop procrastinating may be that you feel unhappy? For example, feeling angry makes you feel irritated, which can prevent you from acting. Often, however, a bad mood is just the icing on the cake. You have to go inside yourself to find the real cause of the problem.

Interestingly, accident is often the reason behind procrastination in many cases. For example, it is logical when you feel that you are not on the right path, that you do not want to do anything. Not being happy with your current life is extremely discouraging. If the lifestyle you live does not match your needs, desires and values, even the simplest task seems to be a big challenge. But do you want to remain stuck in this reality forever?

Regardless of the situation behind this lack of motivation, it is imperative that you make a change. It can be difficult, but try to move on every day, even if only a small step. You will eventually see that things will turn around. Ultimately, the best engine for happiness, change and well-being is to make decisions.

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