We All Need Someone To Take Care Of Us

We all need someone to take care of us

We all need someone to take care of us. But that does not mean being completely dependent on others to feel good. It is better to admit that you can not handle everything, that you have reached the bottom or that things are not going very well, and that you need someone who can  remind you of who you are and what you are capable of.

These are people who can remind you that you are more than just your circumstances. Mistakes happen sometimes, that’s life. These special people are  like guardian angels who give you wings  to fly over the rubble of your collapsed life with.

They can seem like the  voice of your conscience,  like your own Benjamin Cricket, if you fly too high and start to burn from the heat of your own success. They are like your foundation, your balance point – yin to your yang.

It is not uncommon to find people you have fun with. You go out for a drink, shop, go to the cinema or have a coffee. But  true friends are the ones who stay  when you may not be the best company in the world – someone who takes care of us when we really need it.

We’re talking about the times when you break down in tears and swear to the world. The afternoons  when nothing you do, say or hear makes you feel better. That’s why these are the moments when you really appreciate their intimacy. This is when you appreciate a helping hand picking up your pieces and gently putting them in place without you realizing it.

We’re also talking about the long conversations that are full of complaints that you know you’ll take out of thin air. But the simple truth is that you need to release them. We also talk about the times when you  laugh at how absurd everything is  and how scared you are that things could not have been worse.

It is the kind of company that can only be summed up with the words  true friendship. The type that overcomes everything, the type that changes everything, the type that is so hard to find, but oh so necessary. True friends are rare,  but they will always be there for you in wet and dry.

Heart of paper

Probably the least recognized value of a true friend has to do with when things are going well. It is then that envy from people who do not really love you appears and you begin to feel proud of your successes. These are the times when you think you are invincible, success rises to your head and you begin to lose yourself.

This is exactly when the special person in your life, your true friend, will help you. She will show you the harsh reality, cut off the wings of your pride and get your feet back on Earth. True friends will always tell you the truth. They will do it even if it hurts, because they know you need it, even if you do not like it.

They know you can react badly to what they say. But they also know that you will not forget that they only care about your well-being. Of course, they do not do this to hurt you; the exact opposite. They do it so that you do not fall so far, or to help you gather the motivation to finally take that step.

That’s why we all need someone to take care of us. Because you are your worst enemy when things go wrong as well as when they go well. This is because you need someone to stop you from losing control before you destroy yourself.

It’s because no one is perfect, and when you are alone your shortcomings will seem much worse than they areā€¦  In the end, it’s because a life shared with a special person is truly a life worth living, from beginning to end.

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