Tips To Help Your Child With The First Day Of School

Tips to help your child with the first day of school

The first day of school is the start of a new chapter in children’s lives, and this can bring intense feelings for both you and your children. But contrary to popular belief, the experience does not have to be harsh or unpleasant. In fact, there are strategies you can use to help your child with the first day of school.

In this article, we will give you some tips for the first day of school that may be helpful. One of the most important things you should keep in mind is that starting school means a change. As adults, we may look at things differently, but the doors to the world are opening for your child. So you have to treat this occasion with respect. Think about both the child’s and your own feelings.

The more information you give your child, the more confident he or she will feel when it’s time for these changes. You will then help your child understand what is happening. These details include things like visiting the new school before the school year begins, introducing the teachers and buying both a bag and school supplies.

Explain the routine step by step, the activities that the child will be doing, what situations may arise, how many other children will be thereā€¦ Also teach them that they must follow the school rules, listen to other adults and that they must share take care of their things with other children.

Boy with backpack.

Explain what will happen after school. For example: “Grandma will pick you up” or “I’ll try not to be late, but if I am, wait for me on the playground until I’m there.” You can give the child something that belongs to you, like a bracelet or a cloth with your perfume. You can also give the child a kiss on the hand so that he or she feels safer.

There are challenges for both parents and children during the first school year, such as getting up early or eating school meals. When it comes to sleep, you can set up a routine for going to bed so that you can gradually approach 8-10 hours of sleep.

When it comes to diet, you can start preparing certain types of food beforehand and encourage the child to try this in order to avoid problems with school meals. You can also help the child by gradually introducing a stricter schedule. The little one will then be better at adapting to the school environment.

It is also important for your child to spend time with other children to prepare for school. You can take them to mom groups, family yoga or music classes. Of course it is also good to have a round in the park. They will then be exposed to situations reminiscent of what will happen on the playground.

It is important to be aware that the child will experience the first day of school based on their unique personality, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. It does not pay to compare one child with another.

It is not a good idea to “encourage” the child by saying “you should go to school just like your brother or sister”. It is instead better to say “you will go to school and experience new things” or something like that.

As parents, we also behave differently with each child, so that is one reason why it is not worthwhile to compare. It can also end up being worse than you thought. It is also not the same to go to school for your first child as it is for your second.

If you can acknowledge and identify your own feelings, you will be able to control them better. This does not mean that you should not say that you miss the child. It just means that if you maintain a positive and relaxed attitude, the child will probably do this as well.

Respect your children’s individuality and personality. They will not adapt in the same way and experience schooling in the same way. Trust your child. Even if it takes a little longer, they will adapt. If you do not give up immediately, they will not do so either.

Mother and son.

There is a risk that the child, after starting school, will start doing things that make you worried, such as starting to quarrel. However, these behaviors will disappear after a few days when the child has become accustomed to the routine. Once the child has become accustomed to the environment, classmates and teachers, the behavior will improve.

You can also help your child a little extra when going through this process. When it gets used to the new routine, you can, for example, sleep it a little earlier because it can be difficult for it to sleep. And make sure everything is ready the day before.

During the first days, either you or your partner should transport the child to school. It will then feel safer and calmer. If someone else is driving, the child can sometimes feel a little abandoned. Try to be there a little earlier to talk to the teachers, other children and other parents. When the child sees that you are social and get along well with the people there, he or she will do the same.

It can be sensitive to say hello then, so it is best that it does not take time. For example, you can give the child a few hugs and kisses and say something along the lines of, “it will go well”. Then leave with a smile. The child will then remember your smile when he or she misses you.

Your baby may start to cry, especially during the first few days. This is perfectly normal because it is probably difficult to adjust to the new environment. If you take it easy, have patience and trust the people who work at the school, this will not be so long.

But if you stay and pull out on the parting just because the child looks grumpy, you will only reinforce this behavior.

When the child adapts, it is important that the person who picks up the child is on time so that he understands that the school is something necessary and that it has not been abandoned. However, this reunification should not be too dramatic either. Try to take it as calmly as possible, as if the child had just spent an afternoon with his grandmother.

Boys waving.

Ask the child how the day went and focus on the positive. If you can, you should also encourage the child to spend some time with a classmate if possible, and if they like each other. If the child connects with other children, it will be much easier to adapt to the new situation.

As we mentioned before, it is normal for a child to take some time to adjust to such a situation. Your child will probably exhibit certain behaviors that will go away after a while, such as eating less, sleeping less, appear irritated or sensitive, etc. But if this continues and the child still does not adapt and cries every time you leave home (or exhibits similar behaviors), so it may be a good idea to talk to a therapist to help your child.

Do you have any tips for the first day of school?

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