The One Who Smiles Is Always Stronger Than The One Who Gets Angry

The one who smiles is always stronger than the one who gets angry

It is said that you live in what you focus your attention on. For this reason, it seems logical that we try to solve what gets us off balance rather than spend our days trying to defy the law of gravity. One of the things that gets us off balance is disputes, and the best way to avoid these is to be the one who smiles and does not get impulsive or angry.

When a situation overwhelms you and you feel that you do not know where to start, you should have patience and a level of optimism to cope with this problem without getting hurt. Choosing negativity can cause unnecessary emotional imbalance, giving you more stress, anxiety and anger.

It is good to be the one who smiles if you want to achieve something

Sometimes we find ourselves trapped in an argument, and most of the time this tends to be with a family member or friend. This increases the tension because a poorly handled situation can lead to results that we do not want.

When we encounter these or similar situations, there are two possibilities: we can lose control of the situation or rationalize it as best we can. Whether we choose one or the other solution depends on our strength when it comes to controlling our impulses and keeping our heads as cold as possible. It is therefore much healthier to have an open mind that will lead us to “calmer waters”.


It is not about one person winning and the other losing, but about the lessons given to the one who acted with greater calm. This lesson will be very enriching for the future. A peaceful dialogue, a well-timed smile and relaxed behavior will be useful in situations of discomfort. Therefore, we believe that you should be the one who smiles with a calm mind if you want to achieve something.

Getting angry does not help

Anger leads to insoluble situations. When we get angry we stop listening and no one else listens to us. This does not allow us to be understood or understood by others.

Quarrels arise when the tone of the conversation changes abruptly. Our voices are raised and we do not look beyond our own ego. None of the parties involved stops to think that something is not right.


Anger darkens the mind of the angry person and makes him believe that he can not be wrong. He may also not be aware that even if he wins the quarrel, this will not give him anything because he will not have learned what the other person thinks.

To handle a difficult situation in a calm way

On the other hand, the one who smiles in difficult situations will be stronger than the one who gets angry. He will know that reflection and analysis are the greatest enemies of an arrogant attitude created by anger.

He will gain experience by looking for solutions to problems and opening up to the tolerance that follows when you have a wide range of relationships. It is important that we learn how to listen and respect others who may not think like us, and also remember that we all make mistakes: sometimes with our words and other times with our actions.

It may seem like a cliché, but learning to control our nerves in difficult situations helps us to channel those moments of anger that cannot be avoided. It is not about seeing problems with others as if they did not exist, but about learning to deal with them effectively.

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