The Legend Of Croesus And Solon

Herodotus, the historian, was the first to make the legend of Croesus known. It seems to be a story that contains elements of both fact and fiction. Still, it is a beautiful story that also contains an interesting lesson.
The legend of Croesus and Solon

The historian Herodotus was the first to tell the legend of Croesus and Solon. We do not really know where the fiction ends and the reality begins in this story. However, it is an exceptional story and for that reason it does not really matter where the boundaries between fact and fiction lie.

Krösus was said to have been the king of Lydia. In addition, he was the richest man of his time. He ruled over a kingdom so prosperous that people said he almost swam in gold. His subjects were also extremely wealthy. In fact, there was really nothing missing in his kingdom, and everyone lived in peace. This is where the phrase “rich as a Croesus” comes from.

The story goes that Krösus shone in his fortune. Everything in his palace was exquisite and of the best quality. He sent for the best silk and had the best furniture and clothes. His gardens were beautiful. He had exotic flowers from distant lands that he cared for tenderly.

A field with flowers.

The legend of Croesus and Solon

Legend has it that it was an extremely good summer in Krösus kingdom, which attracted many visitors. One day Solon, a philosopher and statesman who was considered the wisest man in the world, was out walking in the kingdom.

When Krösus learned that Solon was nearby, he sent his servants to look for him because he wanted Solon to be his guest of honor. The servants found Solon and gave him the message. Solon was anxious to meet Krösus, so he accepted the invitation.

Solon arrived at the palace. The king was happy and proud to show him his jewelry collection, the enchanting gardens and all his wealth. He had a special dinner prepared for Solon. In fact, he thought the idea of ​​the richest man in the world talking to the wisest man in the world was absolutely fantastic.

A confusing conversation

They were both sitting at the table when Croesus, wanting to satisfy his own vanity, asked Solon, “Tell me, Solon, who do you think has been the happiest of men?” The sage thought for a few moments. After a while he replied, “I think the happiest of men is called Tellus and lives in Athens”.

Krösus was disappointed with this answer. He wanted to know why this man was so happy. Solon explained that Tellus was an honest man who worked hard to give his children the best education. When they grew up, they became exemplary citizens. Tellus, then old and alone, joined the Athenian army. He died while defending his country.

Croesus was quite annoyed by this explanation and asked, “Besides Tellus, who do you think has been the happiest of men?” Solon thought for a while. Then he mentioned a young Athenian who had saved his mother from poverty and then died when he defended the poor.

Croesus said to Solon: “I am the richest man on the face of the earth. I rule a prosperous kingdom where everyone lives well. Why do not you think I’m the happiest man in the world? ” The sage replied, “You have to wait until you die to know that. You do not know what the future holds and what happens in life is completely random ”.

A boat on the water.

An unexpected result

Krösus did not agree with Solon’s answer. But he treated him kindly and told him that the doors of his palace would always be open to him. The years passed and a powerful king named Cyrus entered the scene. He commanded large and hardy armies. In fact, he wanted to conquer all of Asia. He eventually invaded the kingdom of Croesus and captured the king.

Croesus was treated badly and ridiculed. When they were about to kill him, he remembered Solon’s words. “Solon,” he said sadly. Cyrus heard him and was curious. He asked Croesus why he mentioned that name. In great distress, Krösus told him the story.

Cyrus was confused to hear the words that Solon had uttered. He thought for a moment. Then he admitted that it was an extremely intelligent reflection. In fact, he realized that no one ever knew what might happen in the future. For this reason, for fear of what might happen to him, he said to himself, “I will treat Croesus as I would like to be treated.” True to his words, he treated Krösus like a friend from that moment on.

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