The Importance Of Prenatal Psychology And Healthy Bonds

The importance of prenatal psychology and healthy bonds

It is important to understand the importance of prenatal psychology, but many do not even know what it is.

Pregnancy is a magical experience for many women. However, we tend to think a lot about the physical side of pregnancy and forget the mental side.

This is an area in psychology that looks at the psychological changes that women go through

Although pregnancy is a fantastic experience, mothers can feel lonely and unprepared, feel anxious and be very stressed.

A difficult environment at home and a traumatic birth can also lead to postpartum depression.

The purpose of prenatal psychology was to prevent and improve these types of situations. It gives women advice on how to handle difficult situations and how to stay healthy – both as a mother and child.

However, this is not all that prenatal psychology helps mothers with. It also has tools and mental strategies to build healthy bonds with the baby and make life happier and healthier.

The importance of prenatal psychology: fears during pregnancy and motherhood

There are many things that mothers can be afraid of when the baby is on its way. “Will everything be okay? What if you see that something is wrong with the ultrasound? The doctor looked at me strangely, is he hiding something? ”

Motherhood is a radical change and something that comes with fear, insecurity and stress. There is so much that can go wrong.

You can suffer from a particularly traumatic birth, you can have problems with breastfeeding, you can have problems with bonding with the baby, you can have miscarriages, etc.

Baby in mother's womb.

Prenatal psychology also includes the family

We are talking about prenatal psychology in relation to the mother. But we must also include the other parent and the family, because they are also fundamental and play an important role.

They will need to be open to learning new strategies to be helpful.

The mother is central. Of course, pregnancy affects her more than anyone else due to the effects and changes she goes through.

There are also hormonal and emotional changes, and prenatal psychology has a lot to say about this. So how can it be helpful?

Prenatal psychology helps…

  • Before conception: a couple may have problems having children and need to go to a fertility clinic. This is accompanied by a lot of stress. Prenatal psychology works with a couple’s feelings about pregnancy if it turns out that the woman can not get pregnant. It can also help potential parents deal with things that have happened in the past, such as abortion or miscarriage.
  • During pregnancy: women who are going to become mothers for the first time may be afraid to give birth. They’ve never done that before. It is also the first time they learn about the physical and psychological changes of pregnancy. Anxiety is a common response and an area where prenatal psychology can be helpful. It can relieve a mother’s nerves with things like relaxation and breathing techniques, as well as tools for dealing with fear and stress.
  • After birth: the birth can be traumatic if the baby was not born in the right position or if you have had a caesarean section. In this case, psychological support will be important to avoid postpartum depression and help the mother and baby form important bonds.
  • For the family: the arrival of a child will change a mother’s life – but it will also change the life of her partner and family. It is not always easy to adapt to this change. Prenatal psychology offers tools and guidelines for both parents and the family to help them cope with all this and adapt to their new reality.
Pregnant woman with her husband.

The Importance of Prenatal Psychology: Tying

Prenatal psychology can help the mother bond with her baby in a healthy way.

The band begins to form early, already when the baby is in the womb. Thereafter, a special relationship will develop that is strengthened when the baby is placed in the mother’s arms for the first time.

There may be problems with breastfeeding or problems with giving the baby everything it needs, especially if the mother has suffered from postpartum depression.

It is very important to have contact with the child and that you identify and meet the child’s needs.

Prenatal psychology teaches the mother to relate to the child with care, which is the basis for building safe bonds. Secure emotional bonds are always the main goal.

The importance of prenatal psychology and the family

Prenatal psychology has a lot to offer within each stage of pregnancy, as well as after childbirth. The goal is a happy and happy baby and a happy and happy mother.

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