The Definition Of Personality: Personality Psychology

What is personality? How is it defined by personality psychology? What does your personality consist of? In this article, we will answer these and similar questions.
The definition of personality: Personality psychology

We are all unique individuals, and our psychology is as individual and distinctive as our personality. Every experience we have leaves its mark, and some leave more than others. And we now know that our personality consists of genetic, hereditary and environmental components. Personality psychology is the discipline responsible for studying this area. So what is the definition of personality?

Is it only related to our actions, for example, or also to our inner world (our thoughts and memories)? In fact, it is related to all of this and more.

Illustrates the definition of personality

What is the definition of personality?

We may understand the concept of personality in different ways. But we generally understand it as a hypothetical construction derived from how people behave. Therefore, the personality includes a number of characteristic traits. In addition, it includes how you feel or think and is shaped throughout your life. This is due to your different experiences, especially those in your childhood and adolescence.

Bermúdez proposed one of the most complete definitions of the concept of personality in 1996. He suggested that Personality is a relatively stable organization of structural and functional characteristics, innate and acquired under its special conditions of development, which constitute the peculiar and defining system of behavior of each individual. facing different situations with ” .

But what is the personality for? In addition to defining yourself as the unique person you are and helping you build your identity, personality is what enables you to successfully adapt to your environment. In other words, it has some adaptive properties.

Personality psychology

Personality psychology is the discipline whose task is to study the effect of individual differences in personality on behavior. More specifically, this branch of psychology studies personality and how individuals vary in their personalities (individual differences).

We believe that the American psychologist Gordon Allport (1897-1967) is one of the most significant authors in this particular discipline. Allport wrote The Personality (1936). In fact, we think of Allport as one of the founders of this branch of psychology. He placed special emphasis on each individual’s unique character. In addition, he considered that the current context is more important than the past.

What elements are included in the definition of personality?

Personality psychology suggests that the concept of personality consists of two major groups of behaviors or traits. These include:

  • Manifested behavior. For example, the steps you take or how you behave.
  • Personal experiences. For example, your wishes, memories, thoughts, needs, opinions, etc.

Therefore, your personality is a distinct construction, which means that you are unique and not imitable. Yet it is also true that there are specific personality patterns. These are tendencies for people to behave in a certain way. These patterns include personality disorders.

Even if you have your own characteristics , you share other patterns with others. These patterns are called features. Personality psychology studies these patterns to a large extent.

How is it studied?

You can use three models to study personality. These models focus on studying behavior to establish hypotheses. This is because you can learn a lot about how someone is through their behavior. The three models are:

  • Internal. Personal variables determine how you behave.
  • Situation based. External causes determine how you behave.
  • Interaction-based. Interaction between personal variables and context determines how you behave.

Personality traits and the five-factor theory

Personality traits are the sets of common traits that shape certain personality types. Some examples of qualities are positivity, cheerfulness, sincerity, transparency, pessimism and introversion.

We believe that one of the most important models in this area is Raymond Cattell’s Five Factor Theory (Big Five theory). Cattell suggests that there are five major personality factors, and each factor contains a number of personality traits. The five factors are:

  • Extraversion (versus introversion).
  • Neuroticism (versus emotional stability).
  • Conscientiousness (versus irresponsibility).
  • Transparency (versus closed unit).
  • Attentive (versus insensitivity).

We sometimes call these five factors and their opposites by different names, but they still have the same meaning. In addition, you can describe someone’s personality using these five factors and their corresponding characteristics.

Personality Disorders (PD)

As we discussed earlier, your personality is unique. However, some patterns are sometimes repeated in individuals. This shapes different types of personality. Sometimes personality types show extreme, dysfunctional, non-adaptive or normatively deviant traits. These traits are called personality disorders.

To be diagnosed with a personality disorder, the patient must suffer or have problems functioning. The various personality disorders are listed in DSM-5 ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ) and ICD-10 ( International Classification of Diseases ). Depending on their characteristics, personality disorders can be grouped into three clusters: A, B and C.

  • A. Paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal personality disorder.
  • B. Antisocial, borderline, histrionic and narcissistic personality disorder.
  • C. Avoidant, addictive and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
Pondering woman

Final thoughts on the definition of personality

Your personality is something that builds over time, especially during childhood and adolescence. But there comes a time in your life when your personality stabilizes and remains so for good. Luis Muiño, a psychologist, says that you can change small things the way you are, but your personality is what it is.

Your personality has a genetic basis, but it is also based on learning, context, relationships and your lived experiences. In fact, your personality contains everything you are on the inside and how you behave on the outside.

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