Teaching The Value Of Hard Work

To teach the value of hard work

No one gives you anything for free in life. Luck does not exist; only effort and hard work.

Our society has created a false dream by suggesting that by inventing a character or strategy and showing it off through social media or other channels, we can become rich and famous in an instant. Unfortunately , we have lost the value of hard work.

To earn a living through hard work we consider stupidity, and we dream of winning the lottery based on this lie and lack of respect for ourselves and others.

Many people want that minute in the spotlight that gives them everything they want in an instant, all material things. We want everything in a short time because we want everything faster, but the truth is that the great successes are cultivated over a long period of time.

The great men and women are those who spend their lives in a laboratory to make discoveries that benefit humanity; the bakers who get up before dawn to provide us with “our daily bread”; the doctors who decided to cross the border to help others; the reporters who risk their lives to give us news updates from hotspots; the teachers who dedicate their entire lives to studying and offering knowledge to others; the mothers who are nurses, psychologists, friends or sisters to their children every day. All the people who get up every day and give thanks for their work and for earning their living “in the sweat of their brow”. These are the great women and men.

Do not be deceived, for hard work is dignity. Trying to make things better with a smile, with the desire to continue fighting day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute, by achieving our dreams. To be aware of the mistakes we have made and to find alternatives, even though we have worked twice that day; it is dignity and effort.

We must not teach our children that they can get things with simplicity, because everything has a price and learning that everything can be achieved with hard work is one of the biggest lessons we can get when we are small.

Hard work is like nurturing a seed, which we have to water and take care of over time so that one day it can bear fruit. Hard work is the friend of motivation and perseverance, not laziness and disinterest.

How do you learn the value of hard work?

Hard work is a value that is instilled from birth, but the father and mother must teach their children because they need guidance, which consists in creating habits and responsibilities through perseverance.

Learning the value of hard work is very important. It comes along with learning other values, such as strength, patience, tolerance and generosity. It also means that one must learn to dismiss the erroneous idea that one can get everything without doing anything.

How can we instill the value of hard work in this complex society, which defends the opposite?

  • Do not do everything for your children. Let them take responsibility according to their age. If you start teaching them to work hard with smaller chores, they will be better equipped when life throws big challenges at them.
  • Learn them by setting a good example. Sometimes actions are more important than words.
  • Help them set realistic goals.
  • Suffering is necessary. Do not protect your children. Learning that suffering and frustration are a part of life will make them emotionally more mature.
  • Help them fight impatience.
  • Talk to your children and explain ‘why’. They will surely understand many things about the value of hard work if you help them with your words.

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