Tall Man Syndrome Is A Form Of Narcissism

Some people feel superior to others because of their social status, physical characteristics or level of education. This behavior defines a type of narcissism called pine man syndrome. In this article we tell you more about it!
Tall man syndrome is a form of narcissism

Tall man syndrome (sv. The tall man syndrome) has nothing to do with height, nor is it gender specific. This term describes the people who begin to show arrogant and clearly narcissistic behaviors when they reach a certain status within a certain sphere.

Does this mean that success inevitably leads an individual to become selfish and arrogant? The answer is: of course not. This does not happen to all people, especially not to those with a naturally friendly, empathetic or compassionate personality. This type of trait usually only occurs in some people. They develop an arrogant attitude after reaching a position of greater relevance.

Therefore, it can be said that there was already a basic component; a trend. There is also another important aspect that you may have noticed at times: some people are not successful. This is what the classical Greeks defined as hubris. It is a kind of behavior where a person cannot control his own impulses and shows excessive arrogance. They are the hero who ultimately oppresses the innocent. Keep reading to find out more about this concept!

a network of people

What exactly does pine man syndrome mean?

Tall man syndrome does not describe a psychological disorder. It is true that there are many syndromes out there, concepts that try to label certain behaviors. This is not an attempt to pathologize anything among this plethora of definitions. It is rather just a matter of highlighting a type of behavior that is common and putting a label on it helps to place them in a kind of library.

The first time this term was used was in 2011. An article by Dr. Susan Heitlem, a professor at Harvard University and author of several books in clinical psychology, described a type of profile she often encountered. It was the tall man , a type of narcissism that arose in correlation with success.

Other authors such as Jim Collins, a leadership guru, also talk about this idea in one of his books entitled How The Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In (Good to Great). It draws attention to the common phenomenon that the organizations that succeed in positioning themselves in a certain market fail by themselves due to poor management, bad leaders and the narcissistic behavior that occurs in many of them. Below we describe some of the reasons, along with the characteristics that define them.

I have achieved success thanks to my superior qualities

Many people achieve success through their own merits and they do so through effort, talent, perseverance and basically their own abilities. Many others achieve success with the help of luck, circumstances or with the help of their friends and family. Tall man syndrome is often linked to the latter factor. This type of people already has a tendency to rank arrogance. But they achieve an even more damaging form of narcissism after gaining a position of power.

Here they begin to verbalize ideas such as that their position is due to superior qualities and not to luck. Only they are worthy of a position within that sphere of power, this as they possess unique characteristics for success. In the long run, they stop taking care of the needs of their immediate environment. Rather, they begin to apply an inflexible approach in which, far from learning, or renewing or reviving the company’s machinery, it stagnates.

Tall man syndrome – “I am the richest, most attractive and most powerful”

Tall man syndrome manifests itself in both men and women who consider themselves superior to all others due to their special characteristics. In other words, it’s not just about the businessmen or the organization leaders who brag about their successful careers. This psychological reality also defines those who feel superior to others in that they experience themselves as more attractive, as better athletes, as richer, as socially successful, and so on.

But everything costs. The type of behavior in which a person feels superior because he has a quality that others lack (in his opinion) results in a clearly narcissistic way of relating and communicating. This is when the person begins to apply certain behaviors. He or she feeds these behaviors through a favorite mantra: “I’m better than you, so I’m right.

There are also others: “What you do is not worth as much as what I do”, “what you say or decide has no meaning for what I say or do” and so on. The cost of this dynamic is clear. It creates conflicts and leads to bad social and emotional relationships, harmful environments, emotional exhaustion, stress in the people around them and so on.

A woman with hubris accuses a man

The origin of pine man syndrome

Many people simply cannot succeed. Men and women who attain a position of power at any given moment abound. However, they soon fall to the ground again due to excesses, poor management and narcissistic behaviors that poison their environment, relationships and business projects. A truly good leader for his organization to the top thanks to his remarkable social and business skills.

It is impossible to coexist with certain people because of the magnified vision they have of themselves. If you are wondering about the origin of this type of behavior, it is often due to their childhood and the upbringing they received. It is common for children who are pampered while growing up to develop pine man syndrome in adulthood.

They are the little ones whose parents put them on a pedestal and spoil them to the limit. These young tyrants have little or no empathy when operating from a throne of power. They receive attention and positive responses to all their whims. When adults raise children without marking any clear boundaries, it does not take long before they become arrogant. After all, they are narcissists.

Think about this and follow the guidelines for responsible parenting to make society more bearable and respectful of all.

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