Summer Affects Your Mood Both Positively And Negatively

Does summer fill you with energy and happiness or does it make you irritated and depressed? We tell you how summer can affect your mood.
Summer affects your mood both positively and negatively

We all have our favorite season and our favorite weather. Some love winter, with cold and snow. On the other hand, others prefer summer and the heat. But in addition to simple likes and dislikes, this distinction is often based on the environmental impact on our emotions. For this reason, we will talk about how summer affects your mood.

We are complex beings and we tend to be affected on several different levels. These include our biology, our inner state and our behavior. All of these change and adapt based on external conditions. Consequently, there are several explanations for how we are. In addition, as human beings, we experience all things completely differently from person to person. Below we go through the most important scientific results in this regard.

How does summer affect your mood?

Better adaptation to light-dark cycles

How summer affects your mood: in many cases it causes happiness

The preference for summer has a biological basis. In fact, a study has shown that exposure to bright light has a beneficial effect on mood. Therefore, you feel better when you are exposed to sunlight. Similarly, the absence of sunlight tends to correspond to depression.

It is for this reason that light therapy is recognized as an effective treatment for depression. In addition, it can be as effective as antidepressant drugs. This is because exposure to light allows the circadian rhythm to function properly. It synchronizes your internal clock with the natural light-dark cycles.

Positive emotions

In addition , sunlight exponentially multiplies the production of serotonin. This is a hormone that is linked to feelings of happiness, relaxation and satisfaction. For this reason, you are more likely to experience these types of positive conditions during the summer. This is more common in places where there is a real difference between winter and summer.

Greater social life

During the summer, you have more free time to spend on hobbies and social activities. In fact, it is not only the time when many people enjoy their annual vacation, but it is also common for companies to change or reduce their working hours. In addition, you tend to spend more time outdoors and spend time with your friends and family.

These bonds with other people are both necessary and beneficial. This is because increased social contact often leads to greater subjective well-being. In addition, the reduction in workload allows you to relax and unwind. This lowers your stress levels.

Not everyone loves summer. Why?

How summer affects your mood: Some people get depressed

Given the above data, it would be easy to assume that summer is positive for everyone. However, this is not the case. In fact, for some people, the arrival of the summer season, with its extended hours of sunlight and high temperatures, causes problems and complications.

For example, excessive heat can lead to a worsening of euphoric and manic symptoms in people with bipolar disorder. In fact, in general, all people with a mental illness are more likely to suffer from extreme temperatures.

However, there are also difficulties for the general population. In fact, the suffocating heat of summer, constant sweating and the continuous work that the body has to perform to regulate the temperature, can lead to increased irritability and aggressive behavior. It can also generate apathy, fatigue, anxiety and general lead.

In addition, falling asleep and getting a good night’s sleep in these rather unpleasant conditions can often be a major challenge for some people. Insomnia and fatigue actually take their toll on the state of mind and our cognitive abilities. In fact, drowsiness, bad mood and difficulty concentrating and performing properly are common.

Finally, there are those who experience what is called the affective disorder of the summer season. This is characterized by feelings of sadness, melancholy and depression when the summer season arrives. It is much less common than seasonal winter depression. Still, it affects about ten percent of the population.

What should you do if the summer negatively affects your mood?

If you are part of the latter group of people and are negatively affected by heat, there are a number of steps you can take. Be sure to stay well hydrated and avoid going out in the sunlight when it is at its most intense. Also, try to create a good sleep routine so that you can improve your rest and reduce the symptoms of sleep deprivation. Finally, try to get tools to deal with your emotions. In fact, meditation and breathing exercises can often help reduce irritability and improve your mood.

With all these measures at your disposal, you should discover that you can benefit from the summer months. Regardless of your situation, you should try to use this time to reduce stress, rest and enjoy your free time.

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