Seven Characteristics Of People With Greatness Madness

People with greatness madness are people with excessive self-esteem; they see themselves as powerful and important. In this article, we will talk about seven different characteristics of these people.
Seven characteristics of people with greatness madness

Do you know anyone who is convinced that everything he says is magnificent? This person may have greatness madness. People with greatness madness diminish everyone because they feel superior. But in addition to their gigantic ego, there are other characteristics that identify them.

Although it is common to come across people who are proud of themselves, have a good self-image and believe that they are capable of doing everything, it is not easy to know whether they are suffering from greatness madness or not. But if these people have incredibly high thoughts about themselves and also diminish and spread hatred around them, then it can be a sign of greatness madness.

What is greatness madness?

It is a psychological condition that falls under the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder according to the DSM-V. But to know whether a person is affected as part of a disease,  psychologists must pay attention to whether the individual has imaginary ideas  as well as fantasies about power, relevance or omnipotence.

Historical figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong are often considered to have had traits of narcissism and greatness madness. In fact, it was these traits that prompted them to  try to rule the whole world.

Great man

If one pays attention to the behavior of these leaders, one realizes that  they all believed that they were the only ones capable of saving their homelands and conquering others. They felt that their existence was necessary and therefore sought boundless power.

Interestingly, it is the people who impulsively pretend to be the biggest conquerors under the delusion that they have absolute power those who  experience more intense pathological symptoms, because they feel responsible and capable of reaching the unattainable.

History has repeatedly demonstrated that people with greatness madness become dangerous leaders who are willing to do unthinkable things to gain power.

These people not only believe that they are capable of doing what no one else can, but also tend to blame themselves for the consequences of their actions because of their sense of responsibility.

As you can see, these individuals have an inflated self-image. They try to get social validation, which they associate with being in a position of power. But even if they show great self-confidence, they lack affection and feel empty inside.

Seven traits in people with greatness madness

  • Arrogance: they think they are indispensable.
  • They feel immortal  and able to solve any problems that come their way. They are manipulative, which is how they end up in positions of power.
  • Feelings of omnipotence. They often put others to the test to compare themselves and show that they are better than everyone else.
  • They do not acknowledge their mistakes  and therefore never learn from them.
  • Narcissistic  and idealized self-image.
  • Hyperconsciousness about people reactions  to what they say or do. If people reject them, they think that these people are the problem rather than themselves.
  • Vanity  backed by a strong ego that grows as a result of their sense of superiority.
Bored woman

What is behind this personality?

These people refuse to realize that there is a scared, self-conscious and love-thirsty person deep within them. That is why they use insults and impose their omnipotence on others as a defense mechanism.

On the other hand, they mock everyone who makes them feel threatened, and as a consequence, they hurt everyone they see as a threat to their ego – all because of a fear of feeling inferior. But there is an insecure person who feels incapable behind this mask.

By trying to exaggerate their abilities and dramatize their achievements, they show – without wanting to – a weak self-confidence and inadequate ability to handle frustration.

Their arrogance can make them feel lonely  because people simply do not accept them. Other times, they may even isolate themselves. Their sense of superiority can make them stay away from people they see as inferior.

This loneliness leads to an inevitable emotional void that can harm their well-being.

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