Roles And Expectations

Roles and expectations

All people are products of upbringing, life circumstances, experiences, relationships and culture, until they decide to instead become products of themselves, which frees them from all perceptions, roles and fears associated with their past.

Since childhood, everything we have been through and everything that others have said to us has been welded into our minds. But we can modify this if we want because our lives belong to us. No one can expect more from us than ourselves. As adults, we decide how we want to live, which is probably not in line with what others expect from us.

Mental programming

From the time we are born, we receive education and a culture, and we are exposed to different types of relationships. This undoubtedly leaves an imprint on us, and in a way we are programmed by all the information we receive, which determines the roles we will play in the various areas of our lives.

Mental programming is something we receive all the time, which leaves a deep mark within us regarding how we should interact with others, what other people expect from us and how the world works. As a result, we also develop an idea of ​​how we should handle the information from other people.


The influence of stereotypes and prejudices on our roles

Since childhood, we have gained a picture of ourselves and the world around us that we interact with as adults. Stereotypes and prejudices are generalizations about people or groups of people and their characteristics, which we learn from adults around us.

Roles are special approaches that depend on the situation we are in. However, we are not really sure who we really are. The reason for this is that we have not discovered our strongest abilities and weaknesses, and for this reason one could say that we have grown up with a low self-esteem. We know who we should be, but not who we are or who we want to be.

Because we do not really know ourselves, and subconsciously we choose to be who we are expected to be, and we put a lot of energy into making others happy, fulfilling the role we have been taught to play since we were little.

Mental reprogramming

However, it is possible to leave the roles we have been given and to discover who we really are and who we want to be. We should work with mental reprogramming, or with throwing away those we “should be” and becoming those we “want to be”.


This is both a conscious and unconscious effort which means that we look deep into ourselves until we find the programming that we have received since we were little, but which no longer makes us happy.

I have the right to be myself

Being aware of, discovering, and modifying the roles that have been transferred to you, and also the perceptions of relationships and the world that you have come to know, means that you must be yourself. Freedom is the ability to choose for yourself, without feeling compelled to do what you have learned to do. In other words, to erase all the “should” that you have learned and to replace them with “wills”.

We all have the right to be ourselves and to do what makes us happy, and the only way to be happy is to take away what others want from us and instead build our own lives according to how we want them to be. be.

No one can deny us the right to be ourselves except ourselves. No one can decide how we should play our roles as adults. No one should be able to dictate who we are except ourselves. No one can force us to do anything because we are free to choose the directions of our lives.

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