Overcoming Your Inferiority Complex

Overcoming your inferiority complex

We all have a tendency to feel that we are less valuable than everyone else. The media and marketing that surrounds us makes us feel less beautiful, less smart, less fun, etc. If you let yourself be swept away by these feelings and everything they generate, you will live a very sad life. To avoid this, you need to strengthen your self-esteem.

I know it’s easier said than done. It’s not just about getting out of bed and saying, “From now on, nothing will affect me.” Of course, you can make that choice, but things do not always end the way we want them to. Therefore, you should strengthen your self-esteem by following the steps below, and see how your inferiority complex slowly leaves your life.

I know it is complicated to admit that you are a victim of inferiority complex, but acknowledging that you have this problem will boost your self-esteem immediately. Of course, you have to keep working on it, but this is a vital step.

Try to identify when this inferiority complex began. Finding the reasons behind it will make it easier to create a strategy to attack what makes you feel inferior.

Girl with inferiority complex

It will certainly be a difficult and painful process, but it will give you the keys to determining the best path. Do not be afraid of what you may discover; it is worse to live without accepting and loving yourself just as you are.

When you are faced with a situation where your inferiority complex is triggered, certain specific emotions are produced, such as nausea, tremors, profuse sweating or nervousness.

Strengthen your self-esteem by identifying these feelings, and give yourself a minute to analyze them: What is this all about? What does it remind you of? What can you do to continue? Do not flee from these feelings. They are excellent, because they inform you if you are facing something real and guide you towards the path that strengthens your self-esteem.

Strengthen your self-esteem by removing all attention from the things that arouse your complex. Most complexes are born out of character traits that make us feel bad about ourselves. But I will share a secret: Many times, there are not even the things that make you feel inferior to other people.

Try to see the situation from the outside and you will notice that this is true. Talk to someone you have a good relationship with and ask if he or she also has complex issues. You will see that what the person considers to be so awful… is something you have not even noticed! And the same goes for you.

What you need to do now is give less weight to the things you do not like about yourself. Imagine that they are not there and continue with your life as you always did. Initially, it will be difficult for you, but this attitude strengthens your self-esteem over time.

The more time you spend thinking about what you do not like and the things that make you feel inferior, the less willing you will be to live your life. Keep moving forward and strengthen your self-esteem with activities you enjoy. If you do not already have a hobby, it’s time to find one.

Girl with balloons

Find new passions, like sports, practice old habits, like painting, or simply go out with your friends. Your complexes will be as important as you allow them to be, so take away from them their ability to influence you. Have you ever thought that the “defect” you find so bad is seen as a trait that makes you unique in the eyes of others?

The worst thing you can do in life is stop living because of your complexes. You are an interesting person with many unique qualities, and you have a lot to offer the people around you. Turn you not out from life or dealings with others just because you do not like something about yourself. We all have defects we do not like, but the secret to a happy life is to learn to live with them.

Strengthen your self-esteem. Remember that the only person who decides how to live your life is you. Do you prefer to hide or to live life to the fullest? I recommend that you choose the latter and live each day as if it were your last.

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