Moms Will Be There When Everyone Else Has Stuck

Moms will be there when everyone else is stuck

There are many different types of mothers so not all are the same. There are also toxic mothers who cause a lot of pain due to their personal style; because they do not understand their children and because they project their own frustrations on them.

But most mothers like us and take their responsibility and care. Moms will be there when everyone else has disappeared. They are quite unappreciated many times, especially when you consider that their prime moment has many times been when they gave us life.

Moms making sacrifices

Moms make sacrifices in many things to take care of us and to make us happy. For a long time, they sacrificed everything because society often did not let them be mothers and work at the same time.

Nowadays, it is a little different as things have taken a positive turn in society, but there is still a long way to go when it comes to not having to feel ashamed about certain aspects.

When mothers make all these sacrifices, they sometimes feel sad because they have had to give up other dreams that they would have liked to have seen come true.


They are very generous in terms of their love for their children, and because they understand that the children deserve as good a future as possible.

For many mothers, it has been this way. It has been their life, their life project. No one can criticize them or judge them.

The mothers who fight for their children’s lives to be better than their own

Many mothers alleviate frustrations and are angels who dedicate themselves to giving their children a joyful life.

That we become happy is their own goal, and they do a silent work for many years. They warm us when we freeze, they teach us good values, they dry our tears when we are sad. They help us with everything…


They are happy with what you have learned in life and they are happy to have you close. They know that there will come a time when you will go your own way, but even when they feel a void, they will be happy in their hearts that you are happy and free.

It is said that mothers want us to feel as good as possible. They work long hours to take care of us every day.

They suffer in silence when they know we are unwell. Their eyes are filled with pride when someone says that we are good and responsible people. They are happy when we are in school and learn new things.

As it seems that everything goes to the forest, mothers will always be there

They will never abandon us, not even when we say we are adults now. Mothers know that we need them the most when we say this. They will come back to us and offer us their homes as if they were our own.


They will heal the wounds of your life and your soul and will understand and comfort you.

Mothers are our refuge, where we can hide and where our hearts are nurtured.

Dedicate your mother the time she deserves, because she is the one who loves you in a way that no one else can. The love between a mother and her children is something special.

Pictures from Fairy Tales.

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