Maria Montessori – 10 Of Her Best Quotes

Maria Montessori - 10 of her best quotes

Maria Montessori is one of the greatest senses of the 20th century. She was a physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, philosopher, anthropologist, biologist, educator and researcher. Her luggage was impressive. In fact, she was the first Italian woman to receive a professional degree in medicine.

Her quotes are memorable and influence today’s education.

Maria Montessori revolutionized education. Her ideas and conclusions had an impact on pedagogy around the world. Nowadays, many of her regulations are used on a daily basis, although users are sometimes unaware of it.

Maria Montessori’s quote reflects many of the ideas she had about education. Her approach was to love and be respectful of the child. She gave play high value and set self-propelled as a central point. These are some of her most memorable affirmations.

One of the best quotes from Maria Montessori is In reality, he who is served is limited in his independence. This concept will be the basis of man’s dignity in the future ; ‘I do not want to be served, because I am not impotent.’ And this idea must be assimilated before man can really feel free. ”

Girl puts on her shoes

The concept of helping Maria Montessori always warns of the consequences of not clarifying what constitutes support and what does not. Making things easy for kids instead of helping them will only get them stuck.

This is very well defined in another of her well-remembered phrases, “All unnecessary help is an obstacle to development.”

Maria Montessori established a close bond with education and freedom. You train and learn to be more independent and self-sufficient. To avoid manipulation and to be able to act consciously and free from pressure.

Therefore, another of Maria Montessori’s quotes reads: “Development takes the form of a driving force towards increasing independence. It is like an arrow released from the bow, flying straight, fast and safe. ”

The teacher is a guide in this process towards self-reliance. They can and should not make their students subordinates. On the contrary, the teacher’s goal is for students to need him less and less, and not be so dependent.

This is well expressed in another beautiful quote: “The biggest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, ‘the children are now working as if I did not exist'”.

Montessori was convinced that education was a key factor in changing the world. She believed that this was the area to give human history a better direction. She said, “If salvation and help are to come, it is through the child, for the child is the builder of man.”

Playful boy

Similarly, another quote from her points out the following: “Education from the beginning of life can really change the present and future of society.” In the previous quote as well as this , the emphasis is on the value of the children as builders of new realities; on the crucial role that education plays in making these major changes possible.

An important part of Maria Montessori’s pedagogical method is based on enabling the child to interact with his reality. To not just let it observe it, but to come into actual contact with it. You need to help them explore and learn from experiences.

Mary did not see a sharp line between the physical and mental worlds. On the contrary, she found that these two dimensions complemented each other perfectly.

This is reflected in the phrase, “If we see physical life on one side and mental life on the other, we break the cycle of relationship and human actions remain separated from the brain.”

For Maria Montessori, education was an integral process. There is no point in just creating intellectual people, you have to create integrated individuals. That is why education is not just about transferring knowledge. It is also an ethical act, one of respect and love.

The big difference between teaching and instructing is made clear in the quote: “The best instruction is to use as few words as possible for the task.”

Teacher with student

One of the most beautiful phrases by Maria Montessori is, “If you criticize a child too much, he will learn to judge. If you praise the child regularly, he will learn to value. ” It is a very clear estimate that allows us to see that the child will ultimately reflect what the adult provides.

The Montessori method is one of the most clear and intelligent in pedagogy. Its impact is innumerable. Almost a century after its creation, it is still valid. And it remains so because it is the fruit of deep sensitivity and overwhelming clarity.

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