In Life I Deserve To Be Loved, Respected And Appreciated

In life, I deserve to be loved, respected and appreciated

I am aware that in my life I deserve to be loved, respected and appreciated, and this does not mean that I am an egoist or that I construct castles in the air. I want my soul to smile and my heart to feel strong because it has found its place in the world.

Saying these words to ourselves out loud is not some form of madness or contempt for others. Declaring that you deserve to be loved by another person is something that enriches life. And being respected and appreciated is not a privilege: it is a right we all have.

We all deserve to be liked by those we have around us, starting with the family, our friendships and without a doubt our partner who should be able to offer us love, maturity and equality.

There are no more basic principles and values ​​for a human being than to be appreciated, loved and respected, and we want to advise you to think about this.

On my personal path, I deserve light and not storms


The one who gives you storms and days of winter is a person who does not know how to love and who also does not appreciate himself. He who does not care about you shows a work of art by accident, and no one deserves to be treated this way, no person deserves to feel a void and not to be loved or recognized.

On our site, we have many times talked about how important it is to love yourself, to have that basic self-confidence that allows you to face adversity, define yourself, protect yourself and enjoy being yourself.

Self-love is undoubtedly something fundamental, because we live in social contexts and we have to construct certain types of relationships and therefore it is also important to think about the following dimensions:

  • Self-love is the voice that tells you that you deserve to be loved: you want a love without sorrow, with honest words and not irony, with closeness and not a love that gives you suffering.
  • It is a self-love that says you deserve respect. That no one has the right to discriminate against you with their words, because you know that words offend and that lies hurt, and therefore it is important that you protect yourself and set boundaries.
  • Self-love is also something that tells you that you deserve to be appreciated for what you do and who you are, and this is not selfishness. For the one who appreciates you shows that he likes you and that you have a place in the world.

To love and be loved

We must set boundaries in life to prevent violations of our rights. And just as it is important to know that we deserve to be loved, respected and appreciated, it is also important that we can love, respect and appreciate others.

There are those who only know how to ask for things from others, how to become a priority for others without offering the same thing back. These are people who ruin lives.

  • If you want others to love you, you must learn to be humble, honest, and aware. Open your heart, but love with open eyes and do not let it be a blind love; give everything to others, but also expect the same in return.
  • To be loved and to love others is a necessity that characterizes the human being: we should be able to love those around us and also appreciate them.
  • No parent should avoid caring for their child, and no partner should neglect their relationship. This is something you have to nurture every day with passion and appreciation, and you have to get the same thing back.
  • To love consciously and mature is to appreciate the other person for what he or she is; it is acknowledging that this person is a part of us, a part of our emotional puzzle.

Photos by Benjamin Lacombe.

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