I’m Not Scared Anymore

I'm not scared anymore

A scared little girl looked out between the bars on the window… she saw the world pass by, afraid to go beyond these bars. But life wanted her to learn, and even though she did not want to leave her hiding place for a long time, life took care of it and sent the world to knock on her door.

Since she was a well-behaved girl, she eventually opened the door. Initially scared, she opened the doors to various different creatures: elves, wizards, fairies disguised as witches and witches disguised as fairies. Sometimes she was so enchanted by the wizards’ games that she felt sad and alone when they disappeared.

Sometimes a fairy surprised her with kind words that turned into daggers that went straight to her heart; other days she felt fear when she was confronted with the strange woman who was not necessarily odd, but who still scared her.

Little by little , the girl began to distinguish between witches and fairies, the false wizards who made mistakes. One day she was deeply happy; she felt an overwhelming sense of  happiness, and she realized…

That she was not afraid of anything. She no longer saw the world through her window, for now it was she who knocked on the doors of other frightened little girls to show them all she had learned from her visitors during the short time they had been in her door.

From that moment on, she always said to herself and the other girls, “Now I’m not afraid of anything.”

How to stop feeling scared

If you can relate to the story you just read; If you feel afraid to confront life, other people and the rest of the world, do not worry or be ashamed of your fears.

Life and all that it entails teaches us a little at a time and makes us stronger. It will always come and knock on the door, no matter how much we try to hide.

Happy in nature

So do not hesitate…

Live through your experiences

Experience is the only thing that can help us grow and learn from our mistakes; do not be afraid to make mistakes or that other people make mistakes with you. We all make mistakes, all the time.

Stop regretting the things you did

At one time or another, you have thought this way because of your age, your circumstances or your personality, but it’s over. Let it go and do not carry your mistakes with you. Once you have learned from them, all they do is weigh you down.

Reflect without making yourself a martyr

If you feel that someone has treated you badly or that you have treated someone else badly, you should reflect on that, forgive or apologize and then move on. It’s not good to keep our brains full of anger when it’s not leading us anywhere.

Ask your loved ones before making a decisive decision

Many times we feel lost; but there are many people around us who have the ability to calm us down in just a few words. Listen to them, but be the one to make the decisions.

No one knows you better than you do. Many times you will have two paths in front of you, but only the opportunity to choose one. Done is done, and when you made the decision, you thought it was the best.

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