I Only Search For What Makes Me Feel

I am only looking for what makes me feel

There are stages in life when we have to make priorities. We must stop trying to fit into what does not make us feel good and free ourselves from expectations, unwritten contracts and demands that capture us.

Sometimes we manage to free ourselves from worrying about the opinions of others. There are times when they are not important and we just want to take a sigh of relief and feel – just let ourselves be ourselves.

At certain stages in life, we stop feeling the need to solve other people’s problems and not our own. To disconnect ourselves from the problems of others who devour us is often the best way to help. Of course, indirectly, because it enables relief, to empty ourselves and become aware of who we are – to feel.

Flying seeds

To be happy, we need to distance ourselves from certain things, such as suppressing our emotions. Not feeling in a specific way captivates us. It happens, for example, with grief – a feeling we have punished socially.

We do not realize that in order to be happy we must exercise acceptance, understand ourselves and allow ourselves to express our feelings, because they all deserve to be heard.

It’s about self-awareness and growth. If we remove pieces of our puzzle by suppressing our grief and hiding our fears, the most direct consequence will be that the smile on our lips disappears.

Why? Because we hide and do not take care of the part of us that is trying to say something, and whose task is to raise our voice (especially to ourselves ). That is why it is so important for us to let ourselves FEEL, in capital letters and without censorship.

Bath in coffee cup

To feel, the fundamental pillar of our emotional health. The best outlet or cleansing mechanism is to stop putting obstacles in the way of our emotional abilities and focus on understanding how we feel.

Letting ourselves cry, managing our joy, being open to surprises and reflecting on our anger is what really helps us get closer to fullness.

To do this, we can use methods such as conscious presence, which help us to get in touch with what is really happening and what we feel. That is, to become fully aware of everything that is going on around us.

Reorganizing our habits is also very good. We may have a habit of writing down how we feel during the day or how the people around us make us feel.

Bone happens

In our brains are both the storms and the calm of our experiences. It processes everything; it loads and unloads. The intensity of conflicts and what we allow ourselves is experienced in the amygdala – our emotional center.

Together with the hippocampus, it is the place where every emotional event takes place. This is how the amygdala acts as a repository for memories and impressions that explain why we sometimes have answers and sometimes not.

In a way, we need to train our brain so that every emotional event is not traumatic and can easily disappear. It is so amygdala – which takes care of “remembering” the emotional climate – will enable the management and coordination of different emotions (along with the prefrontal cortex).

This is why it is necessary to organize our brain and not let it disconnect something we feel. Because sometimes we realize that we may have spent our lives putting up walls against reality, and do not appreciate what each emotion has to tell us.

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