How You Describe Others Says A Lot About Who You Are

How you describe others says a lot about who you are

How you describe others also shows who you are. The way you judge and value others around you says something about your own personality, your identity and even your self-esteem. We see this daily, but we also suffer from others judging us incorrectly.

We judge all people who cross our path every day. It is necessary to do this in order to be able to control your environment and somehow know what to expect. This is therefore completely normal and also an obvious psychological process – a mechanism that controls the amygdala to guarantee our survival.

In fact, an interesting study conducted at the University of Psychology in New York, and published in the Journal of Neuroscience , showed that this small brain structure determines who is interesting to us and who should be avoided within milliseconds. In fact, we can say that our brain attaches great importance to first impressions, even when there are small and interesting nuances.

When the brain does that quick analysis of whether you can trust someone or not, the personality will show. It is our personality that chooses whether to approach or avoid the person to see if the initial assessment was correct. Your personality determines the way you treat others.

People talking.

A Chinese proverb says that you can sometimes crush a person with the help of the weight of the tongue. This is true. No one can question that the things we say can harm others. Many of us see this almost every day and in almost every context at work, at home and among friends.

We communicate with others as part of our socialization process. During these interactions, we should be friendly and accurate. But we ourselves can also criticize and feel contempt for others. Many people choose to put negative labels on others. It is almost like an exercise that people practice daily.

“You are what you say.” This is a statement that Dr. Skowronski at Wake Forest University in North Carolina did. He explored personality styles and how we judge them. The results were clear: the way you describe others defines you. We are what we say and how you describe others testifies to who you are. We are everything we project on others around us.

Man in front of mirror.

Some people do not want to see. Those who always wear dark glasses for their short-sighted eyes go through a world where it is best to distrust others. These people are drawn by stereotypes. They look down and criticize others who do not think, feel or look like themselves.

If the way you describe others testifies to your own personality, the people who are always negative and critical show their own inner emptiness and lack of self-esteem.

The researchers discovered something very interesting in the Wake Forest University study. The people who judged less also showed a greater ability to be caring. Those who were more positive, optimistic and had a better self-esteem are not drawn by stereotypes and prefer to develop close relationships.

It is only when we avoid labels and categories that have no weight that we will be able to increase our opportunities to create healthy bonds and relationships with the people we have around us. We will be able to enjoy more stable friendships and a more respectful environment with fewer prejudices.

When we describe others without prejudice, we will be able to forge closer ties with those we have around us.

Sunglasses with eyes.

Avoid dark colored glasses. We often use them to protect ourselves, but it is always better to remove these filters and expand our vision as much as possible. An alert, interested and humble mind will always capture much more than the eyes accustomed to living in their own darkness. How you describe others determines who you are!

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