Happiness Is The Small Details

Happiness is the small details

This may come as a surprise to you, but if you look up the definition of the word “happiness” in a dictionary, you may find something along the lines of: “A state of well-being and contentment when you have something.”

However, language is not enough in this case and gives us the false image that we must have things to be happy: villa, cars, etc.

We can not deny that we as humans need possessions and necessities to live. Enjoying your job and making money is one of the basic and necessary steps towards happiness. But we should be aware that material things cannot cover all our complex, human needs.

As human beings, we have dreams and basic needs, such as love, self-improvement, personal satisfaction, daily well-being, peace, emotional balance, the realization of dreams and the experience of recognition. These invisible dimensions are not always covered by a full bank account, for true happiness lies in the small details.

As the famous saying goes: happiness is not the end goal, but the journey we make every day.

Do you agree with this?

Happiness is hidden in the small details

We are sure that you know more than one person who talks to you on a daily basis about their projects as the ultimate goal of achieving true happiness.

“When I’m promoted I’ll be able to buy the house I want and be happy”, “When I find the right people I will really be able to be happy”, “I really want to go on this journey so I can be happy for at least a week” .

If you always see your happiness as something that exists in the future , you can never live in the present. And then when can you plan your own happiness?

This idea is a mistake; Happiness does not work well as a goal. It is to keep the following points in mind:

  • The important thing is “here and now”. The moment where you live is what defines you. It is the path you are on now, and you deserve to walk it with happiness, balance and peace.
  • The future does not yet exist. You can set personal and professional goals for the future that motivate you every day, but while working to achieve them, do your best to live happily ever after. Every day and every step towards these goals is worth taking if you take them successfully.
  • Happiness is not something you just encounter. Nor is it something fleeting and temporary. Happiness consists of and is found in the small details; the seemingly insignificant things.

Stop for a moment in your quest for the future, that fixed gaze towards the future, and observe what is around you:

Your family and friends who make you laugh. You have someone holding your hand and supporting you. You hear your children laughing every day. You are healthy. Maybe you have pets that come with you everywhere and give you unconditional love. You have free time when you can dream. The sun warms you and you can smell trees. You step up in the morning with confidence, enjoy reading a good book or watching a good movie. You feel free when you walk, when you run through the rain… All this, even though you may not believe it, is also happiness.

We must make this clear: there is no magic recipe for happiness. We must also be aware that happiness is not always permanent. There are curves, depressions and black holes, both large and small, that bring us down and make us feel small.

No life is painless, and no medicine is as effective as suffering to show us what happiness is. Sometimes peaceful tranquility is the best we can value, where we can be happy with ourselves and who we are.

Simple happiness is the most satisfying, but not everyone seems to have the ability to realize this.

Some want nothing more than to collect things, to get stuff and even people… but their hearts remain empty. It does not matter how much effort is required, because their happiness is always short-lived because they can not understand the true secret of life: to live in peace, appreciate the small details, to be happy with themselves and to learn to be humble. and happy with everything around one.

Feel free to tell us what happiness means to you!

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