Fall In Love With Yourself – You Deserve Your Love

Fall in love with yourself - you deserve your love

Fall in love with yourself. Treat yourself with love, value your accomplishments and acknowledge that you know how to do things well. Take care of yourself, and above all, do not forget yourself. You are also someone important. Do not criticize yourself and do not punish yourself. Love yourself.

Good self-esteem increases the feeling of well-being and positive emotions. In addition, you can achieve greater efficiency in tasks and create a more balanced relationship with others, giving you independence and independence. For that reason and for many, many more, it is imperative that you remember this call – to fall in love with yourself.

From childhood we learn to take care of our physical appearance: brush our teeth, shower, eat, dress… But what about our psychological care and mental health? Do we pay enough attention to this?

The sad reality is that most of us have a lack of love for ourselves. A lack of self-love that turns into feelings of mistrust and low self-esteem, which prevents us from enjoying the opportunities that life gives us as well as our relationships. If we do not love and care for each other, if we do not respect each other… how should others do it?

Sad woman

Punishing ourselves is one of the worst ways we treat ourselves. Yet we do it daily, and sometimes without realizing it. Destructive criticism increases our suffering, our dependence and our vulnerability.

Sometimes we build walls and obstacles that prevent us from feeling good, because we do not know how to face or accept suffering. We hide from everything, even from ourselves… Uncertainty scares us and the unexpected makes us terrified.

By boycotting ourselves, we are looking for someone to save us from ourselves. A vicious circle where the sadder we are because of our supposed worthlessness, the more we need the attention and praise of others.

We’m wrong. Happiness does not exist outside, but within us. We often make mistakes when we think that others will make us happy or that by buying things we will be satisfied. What really makes us happy is being kind to ourselves.

Exercising self-care means that you value, appreciate and accept yourself. An important aspect that points out the direction for how we relate to others and ourselves.

As Oscar Wilde said, “Loving oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” If we do not take care of and prioritize ourselves, no one else will either. In fact, there are many individuals who depend on other people to be happy and for that reason they are empty.

Self-care is a basic trait that every human being should cultivate. It strengthens our autonomy and offers us tools to manage life healthily and adapt to it.

Without adequate mental hygiene, it becomes difficult for us to achieve our goals because it reduces our self-realization. In addition, the lack of mental hygiene is what leads us to self-punishment and destructive criticism. We must value ourselves, enjoy our own company and fight for ourselves.

Woman holding heart over face

Loving ourselves is the first step to meeting all our expectations, and not vice versa, meeting expectations to love ourselves. This self-demanding thought leads us to destructive criticism that punishes us. We just believe that we deserve our love when we achieve goals. And we do not realize that without our own love we will not achieve our goals.

So fall in love with yourself and everything else will fall into place. You must love yourself to do everything you can imagine in this world.

Remember, fall in love with yourself, be your own main companion. Your support and your shoulder. Loving yourself is the unequivocal path to happiness.

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