Embrace The Time To Heal Your Wounds And Move Forward

Embrace the time to heal your wounds and move forward

If only we could let time come into our lives when we were asked to do this. If only we could be brave and let it unite with us in our struggles, our losses, during the good times and even when we feel lonely… Time is your companion who helps you heal your wounds, and not an enemy like us sometimes sees it as. Because when we are lost, it will save us. When we give it space, it does its job.

When we lose people along the way, our dreams will be disturbed, and we see ourselves alone on the path of life and we constantly hurry and put our deaf ear to our emotions.

But if we stop for a while and listen, we will know everything we need to get relief from the pain.

The island of emotions

“Once upon a time there was an island that was too beautiful to be described, where all human emotions lived; The good mood, the sadness, the wisdom… and all the others, including Love.

One day the emotions had to leave this island that was sinking, so everyone prepared their boats and left it. It was only Love that remained waiting until the very last moment.

Heart like clouds

When the island was about to sink, Love decided to ask for help. Wealth came by in a very luxurious boat and Love said to him: “Wealth… can you take me with you?”

“I can not because I have a lot of gold and silver in my boat and there is no place for you, unfortunately.”

Love then asked Pride, which came by in a nice boat: “Pride, I ask you… can you take me with you?”

“I can not take you with me, Love,” replied Pride. “Everything is perfect here, you could ruin my boat and what reputation would I get?”

Love then said to the Sadness who also came by: “Sadness, can you take me with you?”.

“No Love,” replied Sadness. “I’m so sad I need to be alone.”

The good mood also passed, but he was so happy that he did not hear Love calling to him.

Love and Time

Suddenly a voice said, “Come Love, you can come with me.” Love looked to see who was talking to him and saw an old man. He became so happy and full of joy that he forgot to ask for the old man’s name.

When he arrived on land, the old man disappeared. Love realized how much he owed him and asked Knowledge: “Knowledge, can you tell me who this person was who helped me?”

“He is the only one who can make love survive as the pain and loss make him believe that it is impossible to move forward. He is the only one who can give love a second chance as it seems to have been extinguished.

The one who saved you, Love, is Time, because only Time can understand how important Love is in life. ”

This story by Jorge Bucay shows us the importance of time. When we think that everything is lost, when we can no longer find the North and then things do not seem to be right… When everything happens at the same time and we ignore what we really want, then time comes and saves us.

Time whispers in our ears that life goes on and when you learn to put down your burdens and embrace it, that is when you succeed in healing your wounds.

Girl reading by the sea

Time is responsible for healing your wounds

It’s never a good idea to rush. Problems take time to heal. As with love, for all the energy we poured into someone now needs a new destination.

Broken dreams also need time because our brains need to sort out new plans and solutions. And losses take time because we have to learn to place our love elsewhere.

Time is responsible for putting every thought, every feeling and every person in its place. It teaches us that nothing is definite, that things happen, both good and bad, and that everything eventually gets better.

This helps us grow and see things from a different perspective.

That’s the solution: give it time. But not passive time where you let the clock hand go around and around. It should instead be active time where you move and reflect.

When you have peace and can create and rethink and find the good but also learn from the bad. Time goes on, but keep moving forward so that, just like in history, it can save you when no one else can heal your wounds.

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