Eight Common Anxiety Symptoms In Children

How does anxiety manifest in children? Does it have the same symptoms as in adults? In this article, we describe the most common symptoms, whether they are physical, psychological or cognitive.
Eight common anxiety symptoms in children

Anxiety is defined as a state of inner tension, restlessness and disturbance of mood. It also involves anxiety and a sense of loss of control. We all suffer from anxiety at some point in our lives. But how do anxiety symptoms manifest in children? Also, why do they occur? Let’s find out.

Anxiety syndrome versus anxiety

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States says that when children do not overcome the fears and worries that are typical of their age, they may face an anxiety disorder. Anxiety also occurs when specific fears and worries interfere with their daily activities or well-being.

However, an anxiety disorder is not the same as anxiety in general. An anxiety disorder consists of a set of predetermined symptoms, which follow a pattern and cause significant discomfort. In addition, they last for a certain amount of time and require specific interventions.

On the other hand, anxiety is a more generic term. It can often stem from a specific cause or may be due to specific circumstances or normative elements that are characteristic of a particular stage of life. For example, the start of school. Suffering from an anxiety disorder is usually more serious than suffering from anxiety in general.

Angry boy with hands on head

Common anxiety symptoms in children

The most common anxiety symptoms in children are similar to those experienced by adults. However, they can vary in how they manifest and how the children experience them.

For example, anxiety in children can lead to uncontrolled crying. This is because they do not know how to handle it. There may also be setbacks in their development, reduced school performance and new fears, etc.

What, then, are the most common of all anxiety symptoms in children? How do they manifest? Let’s take a look.

Hard to breathe

Children may experience difficulty breathing. In fact, they have difficulty pausing or slowing down breathing.

Consequently, their breathing becomes faster and a little strained. Some children may also hyperventilate or become dizzy.


Another common anxiety symptom in children is stomach pain. It is worth remembering that there are a number of nerve endings in the abdomen. So when you suffer from nervousness, your stomach also suffers.

Concentration difficulties

Anxiety affects not only the physical area, but also the cognitive. Therefore, children with anxiety may experience changes in their concentration. This means that it becomes more difficult for them to focus, which can negatively affect their ability to assimilate new knowledge. This in turn will manifest itself in their school performance.

Regarding this last point, Jadue conducted a study in 2001. It was published in Pedagogical Studies. Jadue stated that there are some characteristics of the school system that can cause or intensify anxiety in children. These factors would consequently increase the number of students at risk of poor performance and school failures.

Excessive anxiety is a clear symptom of anxiety in children

Another anxiety symptom in children is excessive anxiety. This is more common in children who place high demands on themselves. Children who tend to be perfectionists.

Changes in self-esteem

Due to anxiety, or rather due to mismanagement of it, changes in self-esteem (poor or low self-esteem) can also occur. For example, children who suffer from panic attacks and who do not understand why something strange may happen to them. They may even think there is something strange about them.

Muscle tension

Muscle tension is another anxiety symptom in children. In these cases, the muscles contract and tense.

Anxiety symptoms in children may include dizziness

Dizziness is also a symptom of anxiety in childhood. When children cannot breathe enough, the brain suffers from an oxygen deficiency, which causes dizziness.

Sensitivity or irritability

Increased sensitivity (which can lead to irritability) is another common symptom of anxiety in children. In fact, they may get angry or cry over anything and they often struggle to control their emotions.

Sad girl crying shows anxiety symptoms in children.

Causes of anxiety symptoms in children

The causes of anxiety in children, as well as in adults, can be several. Here are some:

  • To start school.
  • To be bullied .
  • Personality type or temperament.
  • Living in violent situations at home.
  • After being abused.
  • Parents’ divorce.
  • Significant losses (for example, when a pet or a relative dies).
  • Change of city or school.

The importance of paying attention to the symptoms

As we have seen, common anxiety symptoms in children include those that are physical (eg muscle tension), psychological (low self-esteem) and cognitive (difficulty concentrating). It is important to be aware of these symptoms. This is because they are not always easy to detect in children.

Talking to a child psychologist is always the best course of action in these cases. In fact, no one can better assess the importance of what is happening and suggest appropriate measures to reduce the child’s anxiety levels.

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