Dear Girl In Green Swimsuit

Dear girl in green swimsuit

“Dear girl in a green swimsuit” is the viral letter that tells us that it does not matter how we are. It does not matter if we are considered smart, creative, intelligent or hardworking. The most important thing is to look nice, attractive and modern.

That’s why we’re hiding. This is why we hide the marks of our lives, our stretch marks and our extra pounds. This is why we try to look “more beautiful” and why we use our Photoshop reality.

Jessica Gomez has reflected on this perfectly in her letter “Dear Girl in a Green Swimsuit”, a text that we will now show you so that you can reflect and be your own inner voice and your children’s.


The viral letter “Dear girl in a green swimsuit”

Dear girl in green swimsuit:

I’m that woman lying on the towel next to you. The one who came walking with a little boy and a little girl.

First of all, I want to tell you that I have a really nice time with you and your group of friends, during this short time when our spaces touch each other and your smiles, your “transcendental” conversation, and the music from your stereo invades my air .

You know what? I was a little terrified when I realized that I do not know when I left my life where I was like you and when I started to be who I am now: from being the girl to being “the lady next to her”, from being the one who goes out with friends to the one who goes out with his children.

But I’m not writing to you because of this. I’m writing to you because I would like to say that I have noticed you. I’ve seen you, and I could not help but notice you.

I saw that you were the last to take off his clothes. I saw you undress at the back of the group, and took off your t-shirt when you thought no one saw you. But I saw you. I did not look at you, but I saw you.

I saw you sit down on your towel and cover your stomach with your arms.

I saw that you placed your hair behind your ears, that you bent down your head to reach it, perhaps so as not to move your arms from your everyday, but extremely well-calculated position.


I saw that you stood up to go down to the water and swallowed nervously because you had to wait there, standing, exposed to your friend, and that you once again had to use your arms to cover yourself: your stretch marks and your cellulite.

I saw that you were depressed by the fact that you could not cover everything at once when you moved away from the group, just as you did in the beginning when you took off your shirt.

I do not know if your dissatisfaction with yourself had anything to do with the fact that the friend you were waiting for spread his tall man over a back that only lacked a pair of Victoria’s Secret wings, while you stood there on the ground, looking for a hiding place within yourself, from yourself.

And I would like to say so many things to you, dear girl in a green bathing suit… Maybe because before I was the woman who came there with her children, I was there, on your towel.

I would like to tell you that I have really been there on your towel and on your friend’s. I’ve been you and I’ve been her. And now I’m neither of you – or maybe I’m still both – so if I could turn back time, I would just choose to enjoy things instead of worrying – or bragging – about things like which of the two towels, your or her, which I prefer to be on.


I wish I could tell you that I’ve seen you carry a book in your bag, and that the stomach you have at 16 will probably lose its smooth surface long before you lose your head.

I would like to tell you that you have a beautiful smile and that it is such a shame that you are so busy hiding yourself that there is no place left for you to smile.

I would like to tell you that that body that you seem so ashamed of is beautiful just because it is young. It’s actually beautiful just because it’s alive! To be the package and the transport of the person you really are and who can accompany you in everything you do.

I would like to tell you that I wish you could see yourself through the eyes of a woman in her 30s because then you might have realized how much you deserve to be loved.

I would like to tell you that that person who will truly love you one day will not love the person you are despite your body, but will love your body: every curve, every line, every brand. He will love the map, unique and amazing, as your body draws, and if he does not, if he does not love you that way, then he does not deserve you to love him.


I would like to tell you that – believe me, believe me, believe me – you are perfect the way you are.

But what will I say to you if I’m just the woman next to you?

But you know what? I came here with my daughter. She is the one in the pink swimsuit, the one who plays by the river and who covers herself in sand. The only thing she cares about today is if the water is cold.

I can not say anything to you, dear girl in a green swimsuit…

But I will say everything to her, EVERYTHING.

And I will say everything to my son too, EVERYTHING.

Because that’s how we all deserve to be loved.

And that’s how we should all love.


There is another life beyond the mirror and anti-cellulite creams

Our well-being is jeopardized when we run away from ourselves, from exploring and acknowledging ourselves in our own body, our own figure as women. We are not what anti-cellulite creams do to us. We are ourselves, lovers and we know every bit of our body, and we understand why there is cellulite or why our ovaries are waging a war against us.

We are not safe for ourselves if every time we look in the mirror we bark at ourselves for the fat on our thighs, for the hair that stands out, because we do not have curves, for our cellulite, or for our wrinkles. We must create a safe space within ourselves for our body, instead of punishing it and humiliating it. 

We are much more than we think we are. The person within us includes much more than our intellect can comprehend.

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