Birthstrikers, The Women Who Refuse To Have Children

Every day new groups are formed in order to promote the idea of ​​not having children. In this article you can read about the BirthStrike movement.
Birthstrikers, the women who refuse to have children

Birthstrikers is the name given to people who actively choose not to have children due to today’s environmental crisis. It is a fast growing movement that is very influential.

Throughout history, a large number of couples have made the decision not to have children. The reasons for this have included unemployment, inequality, inflation and the high costs of academic education in some parts of the world.

But today there is a new reason not to have children. It is the environmental crisis. This means that natural resources have been wasted in an excessive way. In addition, the environments have become increasingly polluted.

This shows one of the latest studies from the World Health Organization. It revealed that nine out of ten people breathe harmful air. In addition , the study claimed that more than five million people die year after year from health problems related to the environmental crisis.

In addition, forecasts from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have shown that greenhouse gases can increase by up to 50 percent by 2050. These figures also suggest that air pollution will be the main cause of premature death if the current rate is maintained by 2050.

Drought as a result of climate change

Birth strikers, the women who do not want children

For these reasons, the organization BirthStrike was created and their followers call themselves “birthstrikers”. This is a group of women and men who have all made the decision not to have children due to the environmental situation. They have made this decision because they believe their children would be affected by water shortages, constant fires and devastating climates.

What the group is trying to communicate to people is that we need to change our habits in order for our children to have a decent future. In fact, their initiative has received increasing support from many couples around the world.

In fact, industries continue to use the technologies that generate pollution, deforestate forests and pollute wastewater on a daily basis. For this reason , the members of Birthstrike remain firm in their beliefs.

“I would like to start a family with my partner, but I do not feel it is right to do so,” says Blythe Pepino. She is the British woman who created BirthStrike.

Birthstrikers on the couch

However, the movement has declared that it is not against people who decide to become parents. In fact, they say that their struggle is for them too. This is because their goal is for the entire population to change their actions so that the children of the future will not suffer negative consequences.

Today, the group continues to attract new members and spread its thoughts via the web. In addition , they call on governments around the world to take drastic action to reverse the consequences of climate change.

The measures we need to take to mitigate climate change

Climate change is a phenomenon that people can counteract if they change some of their daily habits.

In the first place, experts recommend using a bicycle as a means of transport to get around. This is because bicycles do not emit CO2 and do not pollute the air.

Bicycle as a means of transport.

Secondly, it is important that we save energy in our homes. When we leave appliances switched on when we are not using them, we contribute to completely unnecessary emissions of greenhouse gases.

Finally , we need to encourage more reuse. In this way, we extend the life of the products. In addition, we do not waste raw materials unnecessarily. In the same way, recycling means less use of landfills and lower greenhouse gas emissions. These gases cause an excessive temperature rise.

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