A Woman’s Heart Is The Strongest Place In The World

A woman's heart is the strongest place in the world

Anyone who said that a woman’s heart is weak was wrong. Few things strike with the same force as the soul of a woman who loves her family and friends. Emotions, balance and intuition can pass through her many doors, and she is the strongest palace in nature.

It is a massive space where everyone has a place, where everyone is taken care of. A woman’s heart is loyal to her principles and her values. It has struggled through so many scenarios that it keeps its victories to itself. It looks at disappointments as wandering paths – ones from which lessons can always be learned.

Sometimes a woman’s heart breathes with one or more scars, but it does not get smaller or weaker for it. She knows that life sometimes hurts, that disappointments sometimes happen… and despite that she gets more and more resilience as a result of the pain from these experiences.

We live in a society where the qualities associated with masculinity tend to be valued higher. This includes being able to show dominance, power, self-confidence or the most logical reasoning. In reality, these concepts are not directly masculine, but rather characteristics of modernity itself.

On the other hand, and in an almost traditional way, the aspects that are often associated with a feminine character are always left in the background. It is as if they were somehow associated with “weakness”: intuition, emotions, sensitivity, empathy…

Mixing these traits with human fragility is a serious mistake. A woman’s heart is built on these pillars, and this is a clear example of the most steadfast of strengths. We invite you to experience it.

Eagle, pigeon and woman

What a woman has gone through and had to deal with during her life is something only she knows. And many of these things she prefers to keep quiet about. They can then be kept within herself as a chapter she has quietly gone through to build her own life.

No one can change the people who bring us to this world. Nor can we influence who we meet along the way. But there is one thing you can do, and that is to create yourself. To accept, let go and stand up again with the pride of a thousand armies.

Each battle you go through can build your own strength and learn which paths you must walk or avoid. It is because of these highs in life that your female heart has attained wisdom. And achieving wisdom sometimes suggests saving many defeats, but at the same time remembering that without pain, life would not be the same.

There are people who allow themselves to be defeated. There are people who give in to failed relationships and who are swept away by the fear of acting. It’s a fear of loneliness or perhaps of finding something even worse. A strong woman’s heart is brave. It knows how to break all the ties that once hurt it. There have been moments when he had to make himself a top priority.

Being strong does not mean that you have muscles or act with raw strength. Being strong does not mean closing your eyes and acting as if nothing has happened. It suggests that you know how you are with yourself and what is needed. It is to be able to persevere and start living again.

A woman's heart

Your essence is what gives you strength and what makes up your heart: emotions, intuition and empathy. You listen to the voice in your head that both connects with distant things and unites you with the wounds of the world.

You know how to read other people’s expressions, you can anticipate reactions, feel sadness and become infected by their happiness. And from there, there is no shortage of people who will tell you that you are something of an enchantress. However, you smile in silence because you know “that you do not know everything”. You know that life is learning and you are guided by loyalty and love for the people around you.

Anyone who says that everyone fits in a woman’s heart is wrong. You know very well who deserves to be excluded and who deserves to be admitted.

Today your heart beats calmly because you have left behind the people who hurt you. No one is selfish because he closes the doors of his heart to someone who does not deserve to be allowed in. It’s wisdom, it’s caution and above all it’s taking care of oneself.

In fact, within your wise soul live the people you love the most and who have given your life a feeling. Your heart is the best place for a child to grow up. It’s the best place to share with that weapon bearer who deserves it so much…

But a woman’s heart should also have room for herself. For her to be able to take care of herself, heal herself, be free and happy with herself. With what she is and what she has achieved…

Mother, daughter and bird

Pictures by Claudia Tremblay and Lucy Campbell.

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