5 Destructive Myths About Anxiety You Should Know

5 Destructive Myths About Anxiety You Should Know

People still believe that many myths about anxiety are true. But those who live with this demon do not benefit at all from them. Anxiety devours our peace and our balance in life. No one chooses which ailment or disease you suffer from.

Anxiety is a black hole that is difficult to get out of if the person does not have a good support network. This task becomes even more difficult as people continue to have erroneous and harmful perceptions of the condition.

Nowadays, social movements are constantly emerging that demand rights and provide visibility to realities that until now have been referred to silent corners. One of these movements is  “I did not choose my disease,”  and it highlights the experiences of people suffering from depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, etc.

These people are often blamed or held responsible for things over which they have no control.

Making this movement visible and giving it a voice is important. Especially since  a significant portion of the population is still navigating in waters of total ignorance of what mental illnesses and conditions are. Stigma and prejudice are also aspects that come into play in this ignorance.

None of this helps an affected person trying to understand what is happening. It actually creates obstacles that stop him from seeking help due to fear of what others will say. This can make the condition chronic and completely disabling. None of this is acceptable or tolerable.

Simple things, such as learning more, clarifying terminology and making these types of realities more visible, can help create a more supportive environment.

Chased by fears

Anxiety is just a chemical imbalance

There are still  many health experts who believe that anxiety “only” is the result of a simple chemical imbalance  in the brain. It is worth pointing out that this is a half-truth, or rather incomplete research that is simply not true.

The reason? We know that patients who are offered pharmaceutical treatments that regulate the production of serotonin will feel better. But  drugs on their own will not achieve a complete or lasting recovery –  they only reduce the symptoms. We need more long-term strategies to complement the treatment.

2. If my parents suffered from anxiety, so will I.

Attributing genetic predisposition to all our problems, diseases and conditions is another common myth about anxiety that people fall for. Yes, there may be an increased risk, a small chance, that you will suffer from anxiety if your parents did, but it is hardly 100% certain.

Either way, you can look at it as an early warning to keep in mind.

Uninstall anxiety

3. If I suffer from anxiety, it’s because I’m doing something wrong

Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental illnesses. It really affects a person’s life and is chaotic as well as exhausting. If someone close to the patient says that the person is suffering from it as a consequence of “you are doing things wrong”, this will increase the depression and reduce the enthusiasm to find a solution.

Let us remember that anxiety is a part of human nature. But certain current and past events and the  way we handle and process our reality will determine the risk of developing these types of conditions.

4. I’m an anxious person. Anxiety is a part of who I am and I cannot change it

This is another very common statement when it comes to myths about anxiety. Some people think that anxiety is part of their personality. They also believe that nothing can be done and that there are neither treatments nor therapies that can cure it.

They identify anxiety as part of themselves; an inherent part of their personality.

Let us shift our focus and adopt a more realistic, logical and optimistic view of anxiety and other conditions. It can help you  learn new ways of thinking and manage your emotions better. This in turn can motivate you to  change your behaviors and habits, and even reprogram your brain…

Rejected person

5. Deep relaxation can solve my anxiety syndrome on its own

You can not solve anxiety syndrome as a puzzle. You have to treat them. The word “treatment” has several meanings:

  • It involves the active work of psychologists and especially the patient.
  • The patient must learn certain strategies that he must always use, not just until improvement occurs. The person must consolidate this state of recovery so that it becomes lasting.
  • It is also  vital to understand that treating anxiety involves using more than one method. A treatment also involves an applicant; it is a combination of different strategies: deep relaxation, psychotherapy, behavioral changes, meditation, sports, practicing new hobbies…

Deep relaxation can thus help, but other resources must also be used to achieve total and permanent recovery. It can be said that we need more strategies on the journey towards finding what really helps us. We need to find what really makes us feel better and deal with our fears.

Anxious woman

In conclusion, we want to say that myths about anxiety can distort reality. This is a condition that can be treated successfully. Let us not forget that  anxiety is considered an epidemic that many young people suffer from. That is why it is necessary to implement preventive measures and develop strategies to help us understand that our minds do not have to fly.

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