The Key To A Long Life

The key to a long life

We tend to look at a single life as an emotional failure, and thus a disaster. No matter how hard it sounds , our society punishes people who are single. We can see this very clearly when we can not find commercial products that are dedicated to people who choose to go through life solo. But even if it is difficult in these cases, you must know that the key to a long life is to take into account what you yourself feel.

We found hundreds of offers on dream trips for two, gourmet dinners for two, perfect gifts for the couple, etc. But I still have not seen a product that promotes single life.

Being single is often a decision. No matter how crazy it sounds to some , it is not everyone’s goal to have a partner. Single life actually leads to a state of wholeness and freedom that is as healthy as it is desirable.

Girl in the rain

We have no obligation to make ourselves available for relationships, and according to Emma Morano, understanding this is the key to a long life. This woman is already the oldest woman in the world, with an age of 116.

When the New York Times asked her about the secret, she replied in a way that astonished them: the key to my longevity has been to remain single. After the end of an unhappy marriage in 1938, Emma Morano decided that she did not want to be controlled by anyone and that everything she needed could be found within her.

This woman shaped her life the way she really wanted, and did not limit herself to what society expected of an adult woman. Gerontologists, however, say that the key to a long life does not really exist. If you talk to 100 100-year-olds, you will get 100 different stories. Whether we live more or fewer years is largely determined by our genetics.

follow your heart

Happiness and emotional well-being must come from ourselves and from the decisions we make in connection with our emotional life. When you choose to be single, you also decide to be brave and tolerant, because you will be faced with a number of different setbacks and beliefs.

As we have already mentioned, society punishes singles and limits their opportunities. For example, if you are not married, it is much more difficult to get a loan from a bank. Examples like these are everywhere and have become invisible knives that send a clear message: “being single is not good.”

Person sitting in window

These subtle “knives” can hurt and even make us want to get a partner we do not really love or live a life we ​​do not really want. The society we live in tries to “attract the single people” to get a partner and thus have a “fulfilled” life.

But no, single life should always be a personal choice that gives us other options for exploring a new world, one that is different from the one we are told to live in. It would be best if we were all free to say what our lives mean to us and what we want to do with them, without being exposed to social pressure that says it is wrong to be single. There are people like Emma, ​​who decided to be happy in their single life and not looking for or waiting to be “saved” from this condition. Deciding to be single is not synonymous with unhealthiness, but rather with freedom and independence to control one’s emotional life as one wishes. It is the key to a long life.

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