There Are Tough Circumstances, But You Are Tougher

There are tough circumstances, but you are tougher

Sometimes tough circumstances overwhelm us so much that we can see no way out of our problem. We tend to forget that we have the power of our minds, no matter what is going on around us. What we think and think about our lives determines how we feel.

For example, if you think you are capable of overcoming a certain challenge, the chances are higher that you are actually capable. We are, at least in part, the result of our decisions and actions.

From this point of view , tough circumstances are a starting point: from that moment – and even before – we have the power to start making decisions. You are more than the sum of your circumstances, never doubt it.

Your personal power is incredible. All you need to do is connect with your inner self so that you can go through life with strength and consistency.

Faith are preconceived notions that we accumulate as we grow. These beliefs affect you on a subconscious level. They can make such a strong impression on you that you can not understand the world in any other way than through your mental “lens”. Sometimes, however, our lens becomes blurred and makes it impossible to see the light within us.

Headless man

When we say things to ourselves such as “I can not do it, I will never be able to do it, I do not deserve to be happy…”, we turn off our belief that we can turn around tough circumstances. This is often the beginning of chronic dissatisfaction, which is incredibly detrimental to our emotional health.

Negative beliefs are very limiting because they really ruin our dreams and passions. Changing the way we think depends solely on us. The first step is to decide that we want to get better.

Good self-esteem is where we need to start if we want to transform our thoughts and feelings. We cannot expect others to give us love if we cannot give it to ourselves. How else should we stand up when we fall? We will never change our minds if we do not believe in ourselves.

Instead of saying to ourselves that ” I’m useless, I’m not good enough, I can not do it”, we must try to change our language. We need to talk encouragingly to ourselves and say things like ” I accept myself just as I am, I’m good enough, I’m capable, I love myself, I can meet my goals” .

If we do, it will be much easier to look at the world with hope. For example, if you are in a relationship that makes you unhappy, why stay? Why continue close to something that does nothing good for you? Maybe you think you can not end the relationship because you do not know what you would do without it. Or maybe you have children or financial difficulties. But if you do not change what you do not like, then who will do it for you?

Life is full of ups and downs. We may need to go through grief, loss, or very unfair situations. Despite the trauma and the difficult times we go through , we are able to recover and actually gain strength from adversity. This is a concept called resilience.

To be resilient is to dare to see and feel ourselves honestly. It also means that we can see the pain in the white eye; instead of avoiding pain, we can accept, transform and learn from it. If you do not identify with this description, do not worry. The good news is that resilience is a trait that can be learned and practiced.

One of the most important aspects of resilience is flexibility. Being flexible improves our chances of adapting to negative situations. There is thus no reason to be caught up in the circumstances. Instead, we should accept our vulnerability and pain, and find emotional support. Instead of covering our wounds, we can choose to heal them with acceptance.

Set realistic goals

One thing intelligent people do well is to set realistic goals. They are achievable but not easy. They require work but are not exhausting. They require effort but not wasted time.

At the same time, intelligent people divide their path to the main goal into smaller goals. There are rest breaks where they can reload and evaluate the most important aspects in the next step. Time to stop to see if adjustments need to be made.

Good self-esteem can help us gain more control over what happens to us. If we think we are more than capable of dealing with the situation, we will take the helm and not let the strong winds decide for us. But if we are unsure of ourselves, it is likely that we will drift with the wind.

If we believe in our ability to make changes and take action, we will see opportunities arise. Changes will occur, ones that give us the chance to grow emotionally.

If we set realistic goals, do things that are good for our self-esteem, and stop worrying about what others think, we will be able to enjoy our strength again.

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