Can We Stop Human Aging?

Researchers around the world have been trying to win over death. We have seen this struggle in movies, but in this article we will look at reality.
Can we stop human aging?

There are researchers who analyze the scientific advances in cell rejuvenation and how they can affect the aging of the world population, in order to stop human aging.

There are no research results that say that humans can not live longer than 120 years and many believe that there is an open door to stop human aging.

Aubrey de Gray is an English biomedical gerontologist who studied at the University of Cambridge. He is well known for defending the idea that it is possible for people to live forever.

He is confident that researchers will not only be able to stop human aging, but that they will also develop strategies to restore our youth.

There are also other voices in the scientific community that support these statements.

It is possible that within 20-30 years it will be possible to develop medicines that can transform a 60- or 70-year-old into a young person who is 40 or even 30 years physically.

Older couple.

I want to die young and as old as possible

The people who will live to 130 years have already been born. Juan Carlos Izpisua, a Spanish pharmacist, claims this. His publications contain more than 26,000 citations focusing on stem cell biology and its development.

His studies focus on identifying the molecular and cellular mechanisms that handle embryonic development.

The contributions he has made have had enormous potential in the field of transplants and the fight against human aging.

A research team from the California Institute of Technology Caltech and the University of California (UCLA) has succeeded in developing a technology that removes the damage that accumulates in cells as people age.

The method can help stop and even reverse one of the main causes of aging.

The research team, led by biologist Nikolay Kandul, has succeeded in finding a way to remove the genetic mutations that accumulate in the mitochondria – the small organelles that produce energy in the body’s cells.

The study is published in 2016 in Nature Communications.

The DNA of life on our planet stores its information in 4 “letters”: A, C, G and T, which are the four initial letters in the key chemicals for human life. A human cell has about 3.2 billion of these letters.

Minor errors in the “alphabet” of a cell lead to disease. However, the risk of this can be reduced with these new advances in cell regeneration.

Will we one day be able to stop human aging?

The evidence that it is possible to stop human aging comes from the fact that certain cells that already exist in nature do not age, such as carcinogens and certain bacteria.

In biology, the most famous cells are WHOLE, and by using them, the researchers discovered in 1951 that cancer is immortal and does not age.

This new immortality will change the whole concept of human society. As stem cells do not age, we can apply the same concept to the body as a whole.

Alan Turing.

However, there is another important date on the horizon: 2029. This is the year when we will see whether Alan Turing’s test will be met.

This British scientist said that there will come a day when man will not be able to know if he or she is talking to another human being or some form of artificial intelligence.

Every technological advancement leads to more progress. Things are accelerating so fast that researchers claim that the human brain will be able to connect to the internet within ten to fifteen years. Technology will play an important role in reversing aging.

Some people even believe that our primitive ability to speak will be performed telepathically in the future. All this thanks to technological advances.

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