Conscientiousness And Success: What Is The Connection?

If you want to succeed in life, intelligence and talent are not enough. But if you are also unscrupulous by nature, this can give you the discipline and focus you need to achieve your goals.
Conscientiousness and success: what is the connection?

What do we know about the psychology behind conscientiousness? In the areas of human resources and personality theories, a connection between conscientiousness and success is often pointed out . In other words, self-discipline could help you achieve important goals.

Is this true? Are conscientious women and men more competent and capable than people in general? Scientific studies seem to support this theory. Researcher Paul Tough, author of the book “How Children Succeed – in School and Life” ( How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character) , points out that people who achieve their life goals usually have this quality.

However, not everyone views conscientiousness as a positive thing. Some people distrust conscientious objectors, as they can be extremely demanding perfectionists. Clarity of conscience leaves no room for negligence, mistake or procrastination. Other people may see these people as workaholics with an excessive focus on success.

It is true that popular culture has a tendency to portray this personality type in a negative days. But if you analyze it more closely, you may be pleasantly surprised.

Not everyone sees conscientiousness as something positive

Conscientiousness and success: what does it mean to be conscientious?

As social science research has given us more insights into conscientiousness, we have learned that it is a desirable trait that is beneficial in almost every respect. Psychologist Brent Walter Roberts at the University of Illinois, for example, has conducted a study that claims that conscientiousness is a construct that is closely related to quality of life.

In addition, experts in business as well as human and personal development usually point to a connection between conscientiousness and success. According to them, conscientiousness is one of the most crucial factors for people’s well-being through life. Do you think we are exaggerating? If you analyze the matter in more detail, you will actually find that conscientiousness, instead of leading to excesses, rather has clear positive effects.


Psychologist Angela Duckworth, of the University of Pennsylvania, wrote a book entitled ” Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.” In this she describes how people become successful. According to her, it is not intelligence and talent that is behind people’s happiness and success.

Instead, conscientiousness is one of the characteristics that can be most valuable in this endeavor. The explanation is that this quality presupposes that you are persistent and goal-oriented and that you strive daily to achieve what you want.

Conscientious people also show a high degree of self-control, work ethic and commitment to themselves and their goals. These are all inevitable pinholes on the road to true success.

Planning and sense of responsibility

Conscientiousness is the opposite of impulsivity. People with this personality trait never act without thinking and leave nothing to chance. They are planners and perfectionists. Conscientious people also set reasonable, daily goals for themselves that they can easily meet.

Likewise, they take responsibility for themselves in every aspect of their lives and they always strive to do as well as they can.

Consistency and competence

Conscientious people are persistent and caring. If a problem arises, they do not lose their composure. On the contrary, they focus all their resources on devising a solution.

They are not perfect. But when they make mistakes, they rarely get upset. They are very good at resisting frustrations, which allows them to learn from their mistakes and try new approaches.

What you show others matters

The image of yourself that you show to others is also part of who you are. In addition, it is an important part of what it means to be a conscientious person.

People who have this quality see themselves as competent individuals and this is something they try to convey to others.

The art of considering

The fine art of considering things leads to more effective and happy decisions. Conscientious people are good at this, as they attach importance to considering the situation properly. This means that before they reach a decision, they reflect on and consider every aspect that has to do with the matter.

Because it is never good to act hastily. Ideally, you should think through all the circumstances before acting.

Conscientiousness and self-discipline for success

Self-discipline goes hand in hand with conscientiousness. This personality trait is based on following a schedule, setting daily goals, making small improvements every day, making great demands on oneself and exercising self-control.

Conscientious people attach importance to self-care

Self-care is important

A characteristic that is characteristic of conscientious women and men is firmness of principle. Their self-discipline is not limited to their professional life and their desire to achieve their goals. For this type of person, self-care is also important. They also care about such aspects as quality of life and relationships. A full life requires discipline and wisdom in order to be able to choose the right in every situation.

In summary, it can be said that conscientiousness is above all about having an internal control locus. When you let your skills, your efforts and your determination guide your choices, you will experience a greater life satisfaction. This is a trait that can be developed. It’s never too late!

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