The Story Of The Filthy Wolf That No One Listened To

The story of the filthy wolf that no one listened to

The children’s story about Little Red Riding Hood is one of the most well-known and has been told for years. The original version is told from the little girl’s point of view; someone whose life is threatened by a ferocious wolf. In this article, we want to introduce you to another version – the one about the filthy wolf.

We have always assumed that Little Red Riding Hood’s version was the true one. Most people have never wondered what the wolf had to say about all this. But surely he, as the alleged antagonist in this saga, has something interesting to add.

Lief Fearn decided to turn the famous saga upside down. He wanted to tell it from the wolf’s perspective and in that way let him air his version of the story. His story helps us understand that it is sometimes necessary to listen to both sides of the story before we judge.

The forest was my home. That was where I lived, and I looked for it. I made sure to always keep it clean and nice. On a sunny day when I picked up rubbish left behind by visitors, I heard footsteps. Immediately I hid behind a tree and saw a little girl walking along the path with a basket in her hand.

I immediately became suspicious of her because she was dressed in a strange way. Her head was covered, as if she did not want to be recognized.

For natural reasons, I went to see who she was and asked for her name, where she was going, etc. She told me that she was on her way to her grandmother with some food. She seemed like an honest person, but the truth was that she was in my forest and seemed suspicious with her strange hat. Therefore , I warned her that it was dangerous to walk through the forest without asking permission, and even more so with a protruding device.

Kind wolf

I let her go and then hurried off to a shortcut I knew. In this way I reached my grandmother’s house before her. When I saw the nice old lady, I explained the problem to her. She agreed that the granddaughter needed to learn a lesson. We agreed that she would wait outside, but instead she hid under the bed. I then undressed in her clothes and lay down in bed.

When the girl arrived, I invited her into the bedroom. When she sat down on the bed , the first thing she did was say something very unpleasant about my big ears. She had already said something unpleasant about me before, but I did my best to defend my ears. I said I could hear her better because of their size.

I also wanted to tell her that I liked her voice and how she used it to tell stories. I really wanted to pay attention to what she had to say, but she immediately made another comment about my big eyes. As you can probably imagine, I felt a certain aversion to this girl. She seemed kind, but the truth was that she was not at all. However, it is my habit to turn the other cheek. That’s why I said that my big eyes helped me see her better.

The ensuing insult really hurt me. I’m aware that my teeth are not the finest, but her comment was really mean. Even though I used all my willpower to try to control myself, I jumped out of bed. Outraged, I finally told her that my teeth made it easier for me to eat her!

Woman and wolf

But let’s be honest, because everyone knows that no wolf would eat a little girl. But the crazy girl started running around the house and screaming, with me following to try to calm her down. Suddenly, however, the door opened, and a forester stood with an ax in his hand.

The worst part was that I already took off my grandmother’s dress. I immediately understood that I had problems and was unprotected. With no other option in sight, I jumped out of an open window and ran as fast as I could.

I would like to say that this was the end of the story, but the grandmother never told the true version. A short time later, rumors began to spread that I was mean. Everyone started avoiding me. I know nothing about that girl with the extravagant red hat, but since that day I have never been able to live in peace.

Just as in the story of Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf, we often accept a version of the facts as true without asking ourselves what others may have to contribute to the process. Each person can experience a reality in their own way and experience it unique as well as different.

To find out the other person’s version, it is necessary to be interested in it and take the time to listen. Therefore, do not just accept something as true. Being careful when judging others can help you avoid misunderstandings.

Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf

Asking questions and knowing how to listen is a much more effective option than speaking and giving your opinion. Often we listen only to answer, and not to understand. Before we fill our mouths with words, we should fill our ears with what the other person has to say.

The filthy wolf was found guilty without anyone bothering to ask for his version. If they had asked him or given him the chance to explain, they would surely have seen his point of view and not judged him so quickly.

We judge many wolves in our lives without being interested in the story they have to tell. In the same way, many of us have probably been wolves according to people who have only heard versions that are different from ours.

Remember that there are as many points of view in stories as there are people involved. Listening to other versions, asking questions to different parties and not judging them prematurely will help the wolves in your life live in peace.

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