Maybe I Do Not Want To Reply To Your Messages On WhatsApp

Maybe I do not want to respond to your messages on WhatsApp

The mental compulsion we are subjected to by apps like WhatsApp is destroying the principles of good communication. It is not uncommon to have a number of conflicts with people who require a certain speed in the conversations.

No one has to answer, but we are often pressured into this. This gives our attempts to communicate to get into a real odyssey.

We should therefore assert our technological rights and value our own interests. Forcing yourself to meet the expectations of others will only tire you out, poison you and erode your identity.

Who has not felt questioned about the way he has responded to a message? Who has not been chased by others? Who has not felt that social media intrudes on privacy?


To answer or not to answer: it is your decision

You have the right not to answer if you do not want to, or to answer when it is convenient for you. And you should also assert your right to publish what you want on social networks. There are many examples of people who have chosen to take a break and leave the world with WhatsApp and other apps, in order to ease the burden on life and get some peace and quiet.

Because of this, they are criticized and questioned by other people. Many people want you to think that you are antisocial if you do not answer, but you are only claiming your right.


The psychological vulnerability of WhatsApp

What we are talking about in this article does not affect everyone in the same way. In fact, psychological vulnerability is primarily due to the personal characteristics and emotional states that define the person at that time.

Many studies have tried to explain the dependence on new technologies. These studies highlight personal characteristics such as:

  • Low self-esteem: people with low self-esteem tend to seek confirmation from others and have a great need for social confirmation. Because of these needs, it is common for them to become addicted to their phones.
  • Extrovert: Extrovert people tend to look for social situations that will result in inappropriate use of their phones.
  • Impulsivity: a poor ability to reflect on the consequences of an action before performing it results in inappropriate behavior towards others.

It is therefore easy to understand that the people who are very dependent on technology, and who push others through social networks because of this, have at least one of the above characteristics. Let us remember that social pressure is something that is learned and the need to be in permanent contact with others gives a totally subjective perception of closeness.


It is therefore important to keep this in mind and remember that if people do not respond, it does not mean that they do not appreciate you or that they do not want a relationship with you. They may be sleeping, watching TV, reading a book, eating, breathing or simply living.

They may not feel like answering or they may not feel it is necessary. But you should not get anxious and draw conclusions because of this. This does not mean that you are more or less important to them. The most important lesson from all this is that we are free to do what we want. We can choose whether we want to be slaves to technology or not.

We do not have to be easy to locate or be ready to have a conversation at any time. Your life should be controlled by yourself, not social media. If you think about this and set boundaries, you will feel a fantastic sense of freedom.

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