Some People Are Filled With Jealousy

Some people are filled with jealousy

Some people just want to see the world burn. They are filled with jealousy. If you do not fit in, they will throw petrol at you before you even know why. These poisonous people stir up the flames of evil by simply opening their mouths.

They are filled with jealousy and experts at sticking their fingers in your wounds to make them bigger and cause more harm than you already get in your daily life. They enjoy making others feel smaller, so that they can feel bigger themselves.

These people only know how to be happy if they are better at everything compared to others. If they are not, they will make you believe they are, but it’s up to you if you light the match and let the world burn when they pour petrol everywhere.

They want you to burn with jealousy

Nothing you do, say or think will be good enough for them, compared to what they have said, done or thought. They think they will be better than you by making you feel inferior. But remember that this only happens if you let it happen.

Woman with fire

In order for them to make you burn with jealousy, you need to care about their opinion. But the things they say can only hurt you if you choose to believe their words and put your self-esteem in their hands.

They know that everyone has shortcomings, that everyone wants to improve or change something with themselves. No one is perfect, not even themselves. They take advantage of this to make other people sink. Our uncertainties are their fuel.

When they drown you in gasoline to make you burn with jealousy, it’s up to you whether you give them a match or not. Remember that you can always counteract that they hurt you with their words if you take away their credibility.

Those who are filled with jealousy can not burn you if you do not accept it

Your self-esteem should come from yourself. Just as your emotional balance should not be placed in the hands of others, neither should you do so with your self-esteem. Always remember that other people’s words say more about their mistakes than your own.

Your definition and acceptance of yourself does not have to be based on the opinions of others. Never accept destructive criticism from people who do not care about building anything. If someone wants to turn you to ashes, they have to do more than drown you in gasoline. You will not start burning just for this.

If someone has good intentions, the person does not go around trying to drown you in criticism and hateful comparisons. People who love and appreciate you will only criticize you if they have a reason for it. They will further suggest ways for you to become stronger, and they will never burn you.

Woman and burning hand

Do not give them a match so that they have more power

It’s easy to tell you not to give them a match so they do not gain more power, but it is of course very difficult to live with people who make you feel inferior and who doubt every step you take. They try to turn you to ashes so that you disappear with the wind.

They tell you that you are small, that you are nothing. That they are the most attractive, that they are the smartest, most friendly and work hardest. When faced with this, you can say that they are the best at everything, but that you do not have to compare yourself with them because you are happy with what you have.

They may even win by making realistic comparisons. Of course, you do not have everything, and of course there are always people who are better at everything for everything can be improved, but being comfortable with yourself is one of the best feelings that exist and you should not let anyone take this away from you.

Just because they can not love themselves, this should not affect your self-esteem. Everything they do they do because they are people who are filled with jealousy. All you can do is hope that they learn to love themselves the way you love yourself and that the best feeling is not to see the world burn, but to love themselves and the world just as it is.

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