To Have A Quiet Interior In A Loud World

To have a quiet interior in a loud world

Silent people are a puzzling equilibrium point in a hectic world. Their calm gaze, good demeanor and that they have their feet on Earth are perceived as shyness. But the underlying truth is that they have a good attitude towards life and have worked hard to get a quiet interior in a loud world.

As Albert Einstein once said, the monotony and loneliness of a quiet life is what motivates big minds. Strange as it may seem, however, this peaceful image does not resonate well in today’s society.

Susan Cain reminds us of this in her books about the quiet or introverted personality.

For example, it is common for teachers to misidentify students who are relaxed, peaceful, and quiet. They may see them as apathetic, shy and withdrawn. They are children “without personality”, some teachers may claim. In our society, we still place higher value on people who participate and make their voices heard.

It is important to remember that no personality is better or worse than others. The broad spectrum of human behavior and attitudes is what enriches the world. We all have something exceptional to offer those around us.

That said, we still need mutual understanding and awareness of the treasure behind each personality type.

Man on stone

The brains of people with a quiet interior and quiet exterior work a little differently. This idea may seem surprising, but it is not new.

In the 1960s, the well-known psychologist Hans Eysenck introduced the term cortical arousal. He used this concept to explain why quieter people tend to be so different compared to outgoing people.

Other studies confirm the hypothesis established by Eysenck. In 2012, researchers at Harvard University conducted a study to further explore this idea. Let’s take a look at the basis of the study and his findings:

  • Outgoing people need more dopamine to be happy. As a consequence, they seek new experiences and need more frequent social contact to reach their threshold for well-being.
  • For quiet people, the opposite is true. They feel happy with lower levels of dopamine. When they step over the threshold, they experience anxiety, pressure and exhaustion. As a result, they feel happiest in relaxed, harmonious situations.
  • Furthermore, researchers have observed structural differences in the prefrontal cortex in silent individuals. They have more gray mass, which is linked to abstract thinking. This shows us that this type of personality tends to be more reflective and introspective.
Nerve connections in the brain

Just because someone is quiet does not mean that they are happier, more capable or more intelligent. Active, nervous and extroverted people can be all of these things. What this means is that they look at the world in a different way.

They relate differently to their surroundings and their daily habits differ. Being sensitive to it will help you understand them better. If you understand, you can also imitate things that you see as beneficial.

  • They enjoy silence: therefore they know that loneliness and inner silence are the best way to self-awareness. Alone, they awaken their creativity, manage their fears and set their goals.
  • They are selective: quiet people know what is best for them, as well as what upsets them. They know what to push aside and what to take advantage of. That’s why they’re good at choosing who they want in their lives.
  • They do not take things personally: people who are obsessed with disagreements, friction and failures tend to suffer. It is important to take a step back and gain some perspective. Silent people know how to keep a healthy distance between themselves and others. They also understand that everything in life is a process. The most important thing is to move forward as easily as possible.
Person in the field
  • They take time to see, listen, feel and learn… Nothing is as rewarding as connecting with their surroundings with all the senses. Quiet people have a peaceful attitude, but on the inside they are hungry for feelings and experiences. With that said, their ideal learning channels begin with a quiet interior and exterior. They have an observant gaze and listening ears that can distinguish sound from simple noise.
  • Slow is better: in a loud and hectic world, quiet people are the only ones who do not hurry. This is because they know where they are going. They know themselves well enough to know their own rhythm, their pauses, their music. The best way to reach their goal is clear to them. Quiet people prefer to take things one thing at a time. A slow and peaceful day simply feels better.

Let us not underestimate the power that people with a peaceful and quiet interior can have. Their inner peace and relaxed charisma can teach us great things. Sometimes the best revolutions begin with silence.

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