The Benefits Of Being Involved

The benefits of being involved

There are fake, superficial people and so there are committed people. The first are people who could sell their values, their false beliefs and their empty words in exchange for hidden interests. The second group is less common, but they are inspiring people. They are honest, they have clear goals and they stand up for what they believe in without hesitation and without fear. Today we will talk about being involved!

A few years ago, a study was done to measure the level of commitment that people had. A slogan called “Inspire to bind together” was used to investigate three very specific variables: commitment to oneself, others and the planet and the environment.

The results were quite striking and it is worth going through them for several reasons. The countries that received the highest scores on the three scales were South Africa, Argentina and Spain. China and Japan, on the other hand, were at the bottom of the list.

One aspect that the study showed us was that committed people see themselves as happier. It also seems that no one can commit to others or to the planet if he or she does not love himself or herself first. That’s a pretty interesting conclusion.

Woman among red flowers.

To be engaged as a person

To understand the difference between fake people and committed people, we should first define what we mean by “commitment”. This term has to do with having a purpose – a plan to achieve a goal, defend it and show it. However, there are also emotional and cognitive dimensions to this: having a clear and well-defined view of what is important to you and what you believe in.

The commitment must therefore come from within. First you need to have harmony between what you think and what you do. Fake people also start from the inside, but they do not improve their strengths.

Here is something else we should keep in mind: there are people who are committed to the goal but not the process. Say you have a partner who says he or she loves you. The person convinces you that he or she really feels committed to the relationship.

But the person defends the goal while not going through the whole process. He does not show you care or respect and does not spend quality time with you. This is someone who can be considered fake and superficial.

Painting of woman.

Authentic commitment is not shown in words but in deeds. That is when you have clear priorities and wholeheartedly fight for them. Because remember that a promise that only exists in the form of words is not worth anything. It’s like smoke in the wind.

Committed people and self-love

Let’s go back to the study we talked about in the beginning about being involved. It showed that people from South Africa, for example, have higher levels of commitment than people from China or Germany. They also experience themselves as happier and show an active interest in other people and the environment.

They express this through a desire to take care of their families, their neighbors, friends and colleagues, and also the neighborhood and the environment. Then one can ask the following question: Do Germans and Chinese not have such a desire?

Of course they do, but their societies focus much more on work and, above all, productivity. It is therefore important to have a balance in all areas – personal, social, work and financial – but do not forget that this commitment begins with yourself.

Character traits when you choose to be involved

  • Committed people are critical. Knowing what you want, what it’s worth and what your values ​​are, you have a critical attitude towards what you consider to be unfair. Committed people are very open and honest.
  • A good commitment begins with oneself. Committed people have a good self-image, strong self-esteem and a balance between what they want and what they can handle.
  • If you have a commitment to yourself, you will also care more about the surrounding environment and the world. In order to have a harmonious coexistence, respect for others and the environment is required. It is a recipe for success.
to be engaged as a person.

Even if you are surrounded by fake people, you should not be put off by this, but make sure that they do not affect you. If you imitate them, you will give in to a mentality where you let others think of you. You do not want to live that way, believe me.

Let yourself get more involved. Choose something to fight for. First and foremost, one should engage in oneself and know that one has rights and deserves happiness as well as success.

Photos: Sofia Bonnatii

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