Three Types Of Men You Should Never Date

Three types of men you should never date

Neither men nor women are perfect. We are actually quite far from that. We are full of defects and we go through times when we are difficult to stay around, even for the people who love us the most. However, there are some personality traits that are very detrimental to emotional relationships.

They are based on two main challenges: that we never get to know a person completely and that people change. A man may seem incredibly charming at first, but later you have to ask yourself where the charming prince went. Or it’s the other way around: someone may seem sad and dull, but over time you will find a hidden gem.

What is guaranteed to be true is that some people have a very ill-suited way of relating to others with their and others’ affection. Maybe they can not love, or they can not be loved, or they are trapped in their own hell of guilt, resentment or fear. In these cases, the relationship will fail, unless a miracle happens. So below we are going to show you three types of men that it is best that you keep your distance from.

This is the kind of guy who goes from sweetest tenderness to violent aggression, often without reason for this change. You can never explain what happened. One day the person loves you to death and drowns you in both flattery and kisses, but the next he dismisses you in a rude and sometimes cruel way.

They tend to be impulsive. Without realizing how you begin to experience a deep ambiguity regarding them. You melt when the person shows his loving side; you can not imagine a more affectionate and devoted man. You feel that you adore him and that he is the true love you have dreamed of. Then, when the monster within him comes to life, you experience the exact opposite: rejection and even hatred because of this instability or fear, because he seems so unpredictable.

Self-dear man

These men are emotionally exhausting. There is a deep-rooted conflict within them that they have failed to overcome. They are quite self-centered, which is why they do not take into account the effects they have on you. The truth is that this is one of those types of men who are not ready to have an emotional relationship with you, and not someone else for that matter either.

There are many forms of lies. The most obvious have to do with facts or situations that never took place, but to live a lie, make promises and not keep them, live with circumstances you do not always agree with – these are also ways to fall into falsehood.

The liar generally does not reveal himself through the way he lies to you, but how he does it to others. If he does it to others, you can expect him to do it to you too. Often these lies are not easy to detect, because there are men who are truly professionals when it comes to falsehood. That is why it is so important that we pay attention to how they behave towards others.

Man without face

Someone who is constantly lying will make it impossible for trust to flourish in the relationship. Soon you will find yourself doing exhausting detective work to get at him; or rummage through his things to see if he is unfaithful to you. It is impossible to build a relationship that is worth it with a compulsive liar.

Among our types of men, this is the one that makes you feel like you are out on thin ice. They tend to be very critical of what you say or even how you dress. This trait is specific to people who want great success or a lot of money, and who simply want a partner who behaves exactly as they wish.

The truth is that you will always feel doomed and generally depressed. You think of everything twenty times before you say it. You evaluate the way you behave when you are together and always seem to have a tense attitude, which prevents you from being spontaneous. Suddenly you become a very quiet person when you are in his presence, or you are constantly aware of his expression when you speak.

Blue man

In the most extreme cases, these controlling and narcissistic men can even become violent. They believe that the world and everyone in it, especially their partners, must behave as they see fit. Their standard is to resort to intimidation tactics, whether it is subtle psychological games or direct blackmail. You will never be able to be happy with these types of men.

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