24 Quotes About The Importance Of Emotional Independence

24 quotes about the importance of emotional independence

We must all develop self-love and emotional independence to prevent our happiness from becoming dependent on others. The only love that can win is our love for ourselves. We must keep a firm grip on our insecurities to prevent them from enslaving us and instead choose to be our own shepherds who control our lives themselves.

Love and addiction are in conflict with each other; if they exist together, they can destroy each other. When this happens, the couple’s love can be covered, after which the addiction wins, regardless of whether the relationship remains intact.

We need to move from need to preference, which is much healthier. We can love and even adore our partner, but at the same time we must maintain a high level of self-confidence and continue to nurture our personal development.

It is complicated to understand and take in, but we must not confuse love with love. In love, there is no anxiety, butterflies in the stomach or total devotion. Love is not drowning, it is not failure, it is not sacrifice.


Love is peaceful and not obsessed. Love is controlled. Love is reason, desire, friendship, care and balance. In love there is no fear. Below you will find 24 quotes that remind us of the importance of emotional independence:

Emotional independence

There is no love that can completely fill the void in a person who does not love himself.

2. “I do not need you, I prefer you.” – Walter Riso

3. “If you can not love me as I deserve, go. Someone will come who can appreciate me for who I am. ” – Walter Riso

4. “I love you because I love you, because I have chosen you and like to be with you, because you are vital to my happiness.” – Walter Riso

5. I will no longer be a slave to my emotional past ; instead, I will live in my now with emotion.

6. “They made us believe that we are all one half of an orange and that life is only logical when we find the other half. They did not tell us that we are born whole and that no one in our lives deserves to be responsible for supplementing what is lacking on our backs. ” – John Lennon

7. “They made us believe in the formula ‘two in one’: two people share the same way of thinking, the same ideas and that this is what works. It was never said that it has another name: repeal. Only two individuals with their own personalities are the key to a relationship. ” – John Lennon

8. You must not prove anything to others, only to yourself.

9. Love is freedom and growth rather than ownership and restraint.

10. To love someone else, I must first love myself.

11. Love does not exist, but rather the proof of love, and the proof of love for people we care about is to let them live freely.

12. I will love you with the fact that it is we who invent and reinvent the love we share.

13. You can not rely on anyone else to be happy; no relationship will give you the inner peace you have not created.

14. Do not rely too much on others in this world, for even your shadow leaves you in the dark.

15. “If you only enjoy showing love, you need to check your self-confidence.” – Walter Riso

16. When I began to love myself, I realized that at all times I was in the right place at the right time and that everything happens at exactly the right time. So I should be calm. Today I call it “self-confidence”.

17. When I began to love myself, I freed myself from everything that was not good for my health – food, people, things, situations and everything that brought me down and away from myself. Initially, I called this attitude healthy egoism. Today I call it “self-love”.

18. “Relying on a person who loves himself is like burying himself alive; an act of psychological self-mutilation in which self-love, self-respect and the essence of one’s being are violated and given away irrationally. ” – Walter Riso

19. If you cannot see that you are worthy, you run the greater risk of being with someone else who cannot see it.

20. “When you discover that you can be your biggest supporter , you abandon all habits of asking for approval from others.” – Rafael Vidac

21. During the course of my life, I realized that the most important thing is not to know what you have; without what one is worth.

22. “Loving oneself is the start of a lifelong romance.” – Oscar Wilde

23. You can choose between being a happy and optimistic person or being a sad and negative person. No one is responsible for making anyone else happy. The choice depends on oneself.

24. “Because no one can know about you. No one can grow for you. No one can apply for you. No one can do for you what you should do yourself. Existence does not support representatives. ” – Jorge Bucay

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