7 Things That Happen When You Are An Older Sibling

7 things that happen when you are an older sibling

Having younger siblings is something that only older brothers and sisters can understand. It is one of the best relationships we can experience in our family. Why? Because as a big brother or big sister you have to shoulder the role as a role model. To be an older sibling is to be an adult, which they sometimes take very seriously and other times not, but it always comes from the heart and does not change anything. For all brothers and sisters today, we want to list the seven things that happen when you are an older sibling.

Hugging siblings

After many quarrels and misunderstandings, your little siblings have finally realized that you only want their best. Be the best version of yourself for them and help.

Parents will never understand them as you, their older siblings, can. And that’s why you become their best advisor.

This gives you the freedom to be honest, say as it is and be tough for their own good. You are just trying to ensure their well-being and want them to avoid difficult times.

Parents want you to show continuous responsibility. It is true that your younger siblings will have you as a reference, which implies a valuable responsibility towards the people you love.

It is normal for quarrels with our little brothers and little sisters to break out when boundaries and personal spaces are established in the family.

We may dramatize a lot and say things with strong connotations, but when it’s over five minutes later, we apologize. Each sibling assumes that love already exists between them, and the words are just icing on the cake.

You may feel that you are great, and you certainly are. But your younger siblings are not afraid and do not hesitate to knock you down from your high horse if necessary.

If you look at it this way, it is good to have someone in life who will always say as it is and who will truly be humble with you.

Sisters in the grass

As your siblings grow older, you will truly begin to enjoy your time together. They can finally understand your problems, discussions, jokes and extraordinary situations in the family.

That’s when you sit at family gatherings to laugh and tease the adults, which brightens the day.

You will also not feel as much pressure when you are in their company, which makes you seem like best friends.

It is true that we are all unique individuals, but in reality we have all gone through and experienced similar life experiences.

This is why you as an older sibling can understand every major change a younger sibling has experienced. And you think: “I also went through all this, do not worry”.

And the day will come when you look at your brothers or sisters, their relationships, jobs and dreams, and say to yourself: “they are no longer children, they are adults”.

And you think about all the time that has passed and how people grow, both inside and out.

And it feels good to know that you have been a part of the growth of extraordinary people, your younger siblings.

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