I Am Grateful For These Shortcomings Due To The Abundance They Lead To

I am grateful for these shortcomings due to the abundance they lead to

I was like an insect trapped in amber. Emptiness reigned in my heart, it was a drought. You gave me bread crumbs, with a love made of cobwebs, a house without furniture where the plants did not get water. But in the end, I was grateful for these shortcomings because I ran away from them to rediscover my own abundance. My strengths, my total self…

From an emotional and even spiritual perspective, we can define abundance as a state that reminds us that we have everything, or at least most of what we need.

It vibrates at the perfect frequency where your emotions match your thoughts.

Deficiencies versus abundance

Poverty and deficiencies are unfortunately a common condition where resistance is created. Where we lack mental and emotional openness where a positive and rewarding change occurs.

“Poor” people not only lack that inner, perfect harmony but also often have a certain ability to project their emotional poverty on those around them.

You have probably experienced this at some point. Going through life with an authority figure with these qualities (whether it’s your partner, a relative or even a boss) creates a climate of shortcomings.

Without realizing it, we become trapped in this amber, the toxic resin without nutrients, to the point that we let go of the basic dignity…

Birds and flowers

The dynamics of deficiencies, a very common condition

If we now ask ourselves what the main way of living with abundance is, the answer could not have been simpler: emotional generosity.

However, nothing is more difficult to put into practice. Nothing has more nuances and dark corners than the concept of “generosity”.

The reason? We are used to thinking only of our own shortcomings and when we feel that “something is missing” it is very difficult to offer something.

When we talk about emotional generosity, we are not just talking about opening ourselves up to others, giving them support and bearing their burden, or putting our happiness in someone else’s heart. We talk about being “generous” with ourselves.

Many of us have reached that strange and unhealthy layer of our consciousness where we just go and think about everything we do not have, everything we lack. (I do not feel appreciated, I do not feel as loved as I deserve, they do not appreciate me at work, I feel lonely and misunderstood…)

If we only widen these holes, we will also plant the seeds of frustration, depression and bitterness. What one actually achieves with all this is to totally block the law of abundance by not being grateful for these shortcomings.

Woman between trees

The law of abundance in love relationships

There are times in our relationships when we feel perfect. When, as William Blake said, we see the universe in a grain of sand, the sky in a wild flower, and the infinity in the palm of our hand.

This is undoubtedly abundance. It is the perfect balance, where your feelings are mine, where your dreams are mine, your values ​​are mine, and which rhymes and forms a beautiful poetry, our poetry.

The ideal state is not easy to reach, it is true. Because if there is anything that can break the abundance in a relationship, it is emotional imbalance. Especially a lack of generosity, both with ourselves and our partner.

Sometimes we throw ourselves into the arms of someone who is not right for us. We do this with a hungry heart, blind and longing to be loved, but without loving ourselves.

We stop being generous with ourselves in order to be close to the other. But then we fall into a circle of poverty and the prison of shortcomings. We’re starting to think it’s ok to get breadcrumbs. It’s better than nothing, as they say…

We are content with so little that we even forget that we wanted everything before. We forget that love means abundance. That the people who love you enrich you and that those who “love themselves take care of themselves”.

Couple by tree

So let us remember that we have the responsibility and the privilege of being the creators of our own happiness and that it arises from within.

For abundance is nothing more than a feeling that encourages us to be ourselves, to be worthy of feeling perfected, balanced, to be grateful for these shortcomings, and to have a love that does not hurt, but that helps us grow.

All images in this article belong to Sonia Koch.

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