Physical Signs That Someone Is Lying To You

Physical signs that someone is lying to you

You have probably suspected that someone is lying to you on several occasions. This happens more often than we would really like to admit to ourselves. The problem is that we do not always know if this is true or not, and it creates uncertainty.

Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to talk about the physical signs that someone is lying to you. The human body is designed to show what it really thinks. For this reason, the body will emit special signals when a person lies. We will talk about them here so you can learn them so as not to be surprised by liars. Keep them in mind and you will see how useful this knowledge is.

The person constantly changes the position of the head

The first symptom that someone is lying to you is that the person will constantly change the position of the head. This often happens when you ask a question that forces him to lie.

This change occurs because you have to use both sides of the brain to formulate false answers. This creates the formulation of an answer that seems to be based on known facts.


When the person creates his lie, he will avoid eye contact. This is an act that is performed involuntarily and that is very difficult to control. This often happens because the liar wants to avoid seeing his lie and shame.

Changes in breathing patterns

When you suspect that someone is lying to you, analyze if the person changes their breathing pattern. He may be breathing faster or slower than normal.

It will also be obvious that the nostrils widen. You can prove the lie by asking difficult questions and seeing how this affects the person’s breathing.

The person covers the body with his arms

An obvious characteristic of a person who lies to you is that he is trying to protect his body. This is a very primitive instinct and means that you cross your arms. You will get the impression that there is a barrier between the other person and yourself.

Sometimes you can feel that you can be attacked at any moment. The reason for this behavior is that the mind feels that it must show security.

The person repeats words and phrases

Another physical sign that someone is lying to you is that the person is repeating the same phrases over and over again. Unlike someone who tells the truth, the liar will have practiced a script. You will therefore often hear the same word in the same order.

This is different compared to when you ask about something that is true and the person describes this to you. In this case, he will tell you the same thing, but in other words.

The liar wants to avoid your doubt. To achieve this, the person will have practiced a script and will not make a mistake with this or change the order of what he says. This makes the person feel safe and protected.

The person covers his mouth

A very clear sign that someone is lying to you is that the person is trying to hide their mouth. He can cover it with his hand or talk with his face turned away. The liar will unknowingly try to put a barrier between you and his lies.

Listen carefully to the person’s words. If he covers his mouth after very precise questions, you should look for the other signs as well.


The person moves his feet

You do not just have to look at the person’s hands, mouth and nose if you think they are lying. You can also look at your feet and how they stand. A person trying to hide something will constantly move his feet.

The person will first place their weight on one foot, and then the other, at intervals of only a few minutes. Another symptom is that the person begins to move their legs uncontrollably while sitting. Be sure this is a symptom of lying and not a habit.

What should you do if someone lies to you?

If you think someone is lying to you, then you have two choices. The first is to keep listening and do nothing to avoid conflicts. The second option is to confront the person directly.

We recommend that you think about what the best decision is in accordance with the seriousness of the lie and how important the person is to you.

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