Do Something Good Every Day. Goodness Is More Rewarding Than Money.

Do something good every day.  Goodness is more rewarding than money.

Do something good every day for yourself and for others. Goodness is the best investment. It is transformed into good feelings, good experiences and good consequences. But sometimes we forget this when we think of something much less important in our lives: money.

There was recently a story in the media where a woman kept an interesting promise she had given to her husband before he died. He had asked her to bury all the money he and his wife had accumulated through their lives, and she did.

When her relatives asked, she said that she had placed all the money in an account and that she had placed a check inside the coffin with this value so that he could go to the bank with it when he woke up.

The truth is that we will never know if this rich deceased man will be able to go to the bank with this. But what we do know is that the metaphor in history is enriching for us because it allows us to think about how we live.


There is life before death

In an interview with Eduardo Punset, a great science fiction writer, he was asked about his favorite phrase. He said that as a scientist he was impressed by a text he had seen painted on one of New York’s subway stations.

It said, “There is life before death.” Simple and clear.

It is to some extent accepted that our current Western culture is rooted in certain historical periods. One of them is Greece and its classical philosophy and the other is the birth of Christianity and the influence that this has had.


Throughout history, religions have sought to control society. Christianity, just like other religions, has been able to do so in the past by pointing to life as a separation from death, for the encounter with God.

Life has somehow been put on the shelf by focusing our eyes on the horizon, far away from the ground we once set foot on. In other words, it was about surviving to live afterwards; to go for one last and final eternal reward.

What is left of paradise?

During the 20th century, religion lost much of its influence, its ability to be heard and obeyed. But there is still a desire to find our essence.

We continue to look to the horizon, to educate our children to study, to prepare, to learn a lot, to make a lot of money.

There is another story, an ordinary children’s story, that reflects on this mentality….

“The cicada was happy and enjoyed the summer: the sun was shining, the flowers gave off their scent… and the cicada sang and sang. Meanwhile, the ant spent all day working, collecting food.

– Ant friend! Do you not get tired of so much work? Rest a little with me while I sing something for you, said the cicada to the ant.

– It would have been better for you to collect food for the winter and not be lazy, the ant replied while it worked.


Cicada laughed and continued to sing and ignored his friend, until one day when he woke up and felt the cold of winter. The trees had no leaves and the snow had begun to fall from the sky as it wandered frozen and hungry. It knocked on the ant’s house to ask for help.

– Ant friend, I’m cold and hungry. Could you give me something to eat? You have a lot of food and a warm house, while I have nothing.

The ant opened the door and replied:

– Tell me, what did you do when I was up early to work? What did you do while carrying food back and forth?

“I sang and sang in the sun,” replied the cicada.

– Did you do that? Yes, but if you sang in the summer, dance now in the winter.

Then it closed the door, and the cicada had learned its lesson.

Morality: Anyone who wants to feel good in the autumn of age must benefit from adolescence.


There is life before life

Psychologists talk about existential crises, about certain ages when one can feel confused. There are times when you look at your feet and feel dizzy because you are not aware that they are actually a reflection of time; they never stop walking.

I would like to say more than that phrase on the subway: There is life before what we believe is life. Before I knew much, before I had a lot of money, before I got married, retired or had children. There is life before you wake up tomorrow. Life is about moments, not about the idea of ​​a path or degrees.


So it is good if you do something good every day because goodness means much more than money both during life and in the end. It is about sowing something to reap, so the question facing us is: What is better than planting goodness to gather riches? The answer is clear: Without good feelings, we will at the end of life have… .. ZERO.

It is therefore important that we think about this: “Do something good every day, because goodness will give us real vital wealth, not money.” It will be our real reward: to live life.

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