5 Factors That Affect Your Level Of Happiness

5 factors that affect your level of happiness

Our relationship with our happiness will constantly change during our lives. When we were little, our happiness was probably due to our relationship with friends. As we got older, our happiness began to depend more on our aspirations.

Our responsibilities change and expand, which increases the risk of frustration, stress and anxiety when the job we do and the recognition we receive does not feel enough. But this is a general view of things because the happiness of some people depends on other types of situations.

An example is people who must be in a relationship. If they do not achieve this or if the relationship becomes bad, the happiness they feel will also be less. So when happiness is linked to fulfilling a wish, the risk of suffering becomes greater.

But what affects your level of happiness? Today we will discover 5 factors that have a strong impact on us. Although we must point out that not all of these appear at the same time. Some of them depend on the occasion; one of them may be more important than the others.


Who you are and how you are

You probably thought of external factors that can affect you, but the most serious and least obvious is within you. Your attitude towards life and how you handle problems can affect your level of happiness.

Imagine that you are a person who always blames others for your own problems. In the end, you will think that the world is against you, and this will not exactly make you happy. It is important that you learn to take responsibility for your actions.

Can we change? Of course we can. By cultivating kindness and patience, we can discover the problems we can solve within ourselves… We can make ourselves better if we start treating ourselves and others well.

Where you live

Even if you may not believe it, the place where you live affects your mood in an important way. The perfect place is the one that makes you happy. It is one that meets your expectations and emits vibrations and positive emotions.

The big problem is sometimes that we can not live where we want to live. Imagine that you have spent your childhood by the sea, but due to various circumstances you have to move to a place that is not close to the sea.


Even if you may not believe it, the sea has sent you positive emotions, and being far away from it will make you sad and affect your happiness. The freedom you felt at this place has now been replaced by anxiety and the feeling of being a prisoner.

The level of your expectations

If you have had very strict and demanding parents or if you have experienced a complicated childhood, you may develop a perfectionist attitude. In this way, when you cross a line, you will suffer more the more perfectionist you are. A real anxiety can be created within you because you have missed a comma or a small crease on a shirt or become a few minutes late.

Nobody is perfect. In fact, perfect people are almost always sad, frustrated and stressed. You know that they can not meet the expectations they have of themselves, because even if you do not believe it, they are not realistic.

So in order for you to feel satisfied, you need to adjust your requirements so that you get a balance. As you lower this level, you will become aware that you can appreciate simple details. Details that you did not appreciate before.

Personal relationships

The position you have within your social group will have a big impact on your self-esteem. Being married is not the same as being divorced. Just like there is a big difference between having many friends and having few, although this can depend a lot on your point of view.

If you cultivate healthy relationships, happiness will be much greater. Unfortunately, we have to deal with many toxic people many times as well as situations that we do not like. An example might be what we mentioned above: a divorce.


Because we are social beings, relationships will be important to us. They affect the happiness we feel because we can not avoid feeling disappointments, lies, indifference, etc.…

Your thoughts and your level of happiness

Your thoughts will always determine your reality. Even though you may have a job and a salary that is like that, even if your relationships may not be the best, the influence will come from the way you handle these situations. 

As we mentioned at the beginning, at certain stages in your life you can put a lot of emphasis on work and money. What happens if they are not satisfactory? Becoming pessimistic is a seed that leads to negativity.

You choose whether you want to be optimistic or pessimistic. But being optimistic is difficult, no matter how contradictory it may seem. Why are positive things always more difficult for us? Because it’s always easier to complain and get angry than to do the opposite.

It is clear that many of the factors we have mentioned are beyond our control and cannot be modified. This happens in most cases with external factors. But what we can modify is our way of looking at the circumstances.


Take this last factor that affects your happiness level and your thoughts and use it to your advantage. Do you dislike a situation? Do you think the world is against you? Do you hate the place you live? If you maintain a positive attitude and cultivate patience, you will be able to change all these situations that currently affect your level of happiness negatively .

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