What Do You Do If You Do Not Feel Any Meaning In Life?

The meaning of life is the meaning that each person gives to their way of life, their intentions and goals. It varies from person to person, as each individual needs to make an inner journey to find their own meaning.
What do you do if you do not feel any meaning in life?

“My life has no purpose. I feel confused and without purpose. I do not know what I want, nothing motivates me enough and I can not find my way in life. ” It is very possible that you have identified with these words before: everyone has done it at some point. Existential crises are inevitable during certain phases of life, and during these it can sometimes feel impossible to find meaning in life.

Existential crises generally arise from certain painful situations, such as a relationship ending, the loss of loved ones, a disappointment, or the loss of a job.

All situations that cause you pain and despair can lead to an existential crisis. While some people only experience temporary suffering, other people may fall into a vacuum of pain.

If you are in the middle of an existential crisis, you may feel incredibly lost. You may not know who you are and think the future looks uncertain. ” I feel so lost that I feel that my life has no purpose, and I can find no way out .”

A woman with her head on her arms and eyes closed

What does meaning in life mean?

Many writers, researchers and philosophers have argued over what is the meaning of human life. But no one has been able to convince the rest of humanity to adopt their own definition is the universal truth.

The meaning of life is the meaning that each person gives it, it is the intentions and goals that they personally have in mind. It varies from person to person, as each individual needs to find their own meaning by making an inner journey.

The psychiatrist Viktor Frankl writes in his book Life must have meaning that life has a meaning in all circumstances. If a person can find meaning in situations of suffering and adversity, he can overcome them by turning his tragedies into successes.

For Frankl, every person’s meaning to life already exists, just waiting to be found. Each person writes their own story. Each person decides how they should feel when they encounter certain situations.

My life has no meaning and grief has taken over

During the time when you feel that your life has no meaning, you may experience certain emotions associated with this condition. It is important to pay attention to these warning signs, as they are symptoms that indicate that something is not right. You may also need professional help, as the situation may lead to:

  • Feelings of sadness. You may feel apathetic and depressed without knowing exactly why. Some people in these situations may think that they should have no reason to feel that way, because they have a good job, a wonderful family and good friends. Despite this, they still feel a sadness that they can not explain.
  • You do not know who you are. This is due to a lack of awareness of yourself. You may be thinking: “My life is meaningless and I feel lost. I do not know who I am or what I want. ”
  • Anhedoni. You lose interest in activities that you used to enjoy. You do not like anything and nothing feels satisfying. This makes you feel constantly bored.
  • Social isolation. Sadness, lack of interest and frustration over not feeling satisfaction in your life leads to greater social isolation. You do not even feel like hanging out with your friends.
A sad woman leaning against the wall in a stairwell

When facing an existential crisis, embark on an inner journey

Take some time to see yourself from the inside by embarking on an inner journey. Here are some questions that may be helpful to ask yourself during this journey: “Do I need to make changes in my life?” “What do I feel, what do I think and what do I want?” “Do I prioritize myself?” “Am I who I really want to be?”

Trying to find answers to these questions can guide you on your path to self-awareness. Behind the loss of your sense of purpose in life is probably a low level of self-knowledge about who you are and what you want. Therefore, it is probably necessary for you to find your purpose and get in touch with yourself and give yourself the courage and time you need.

Can you really find purpose and meaning in your life if you do not know who you are? An existential emptiness is synonymous with losing contact with oneself. It is as if one has been disconnected from one’s own being to become a spectator instead.

What may have happened is that you were too focused on another object or another person that you did not pay attention to what happened inside you. Thus, when you are faced with the thought: “My life has no meaning” , look within yourself and get in touch with yourself.

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