The Loneliness Of Motherhood – How To Deal With It?

Many women experience a type of motherhood loneliness, they experience guilt and confusion after the birth of their child. Even though you may not know the concept, it is a very common emotional situation.
Motherhood loneliness - how to deal with it?

In general, society has a rather romantic idea of ​​what motherhood is all about. Many people think, perhaps incorrectly, that the arrival of the child is the stage for the greatest life-fulfilling spectacle for a woman. It is meant to be a moment of joy and fulfillment and something that should automatically make sense to a person’s life. No wonder many women may feel confused and guilty when they experience the loneliness of motherhood.

Although motherhood is undoubtedly a beautiful and rewarding experience, not everything is so idyllic. Therefore, the less positive side of being a mother needs to be highlighted. In particular, the challenges and difficulties it entails. Mainly the feeling of loneliness that a new mother can experience during her child’s early development.

A sad woman experiences the loneliness of motherhood

A lone transition

A person’s life changes radically when you have a child. A mother’s body changes in more ways than just its appearance, her emotions also intensify. In addition, she often becomes unstable due to her new hormone flow. In addition, add the psychological stress that the adoption of this new role may entail. It is a role that many times almost eliminates all other roles that make up a person’s identity.

Suddenly it is as if the woman is no longer a wife, a daughter, a friend and a working individual. She is now a full-time mother and practically alone. Her newborn needs her all the time and is completely dependent on her for her physical and emotional integrity.

Although a mother can get help from her partner and support from her relatives, it is still ultimately she who has to spend 24 hours a day at home with her child.

Maternal loneliness, lack of sleep and isolation

Lack of sleep, physical and emotional exhaustion and the absence of adult company can largely make a woman experience motherhood as a burden. A burden that no one informed her about and that she feels enormously guilty of, one that makes her question how suitable she is as a mother.

How is it possible that a woman can feel so sad, apathetic and overwhelmed? Shouldn’t she be euphoric? Why does she not experience self-realization by having a child?

The feeling of loneliness is common in mothers during the first years of their children’s lives. But bearing the brunt of parenthood, and doing so in isolation, can lead to catastrophic mood swings, among other things. For this reason, it is important to inform women that there are problems of this kind, and to give them the resources they need to alleviate them.

A woman looking out of a window

How to reduce the loneliness of motherhood

First of all, put away the guilt. You do not have to feel good and excited all the time. All your feelings are valid, and you have the right to feel and express them. However, try to understand where they come from, as this is how you can handle them.

Just because you are exhausted or alone does not mean you do not love your child. Thus, it does not mean that you are a bad mother. It’s just a warning that you may need a break to restore some of your identity. Remember that you are a person of great value, with many other bright and pleasant aspects, in addition to your role as a mother.

Therefore, do not be afraid to ask for help, delegate tasks and turn to your loved ones so that it can partially ease your burden. Let others take care of household chores or help care for the little one. At least to the extent that you can have time to take a bath, go for a walk or have a chat with your friends.

A child’s first year can take up all the time for the mother, which can cause her to neglect her self-care and postpone her own happiness to a later time.

Final remarks

However, remember that you can not take good care of your child if you yourself are not well. Your child needs a happy, calm and happy mother. You will have a better attitude to take care of your child if you first make some space for your own physical and mental health.

The loneliness of motherhood is quite common, but not invincible. Try to get in touch with other adults and make sure to prioritize yourself sometimes. The last thing motherhood should make you feel is that you are trapped.

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