White Noise Can Help You Sleep Better

White noise has received a lot of attention because it can probably help us sleep better. What do you know about white noise?
White noise can help you sleep better

More and more people are witnessing the positive effects with white noise as background noise. This is because it seems to be able to improve relaxation, focus and cognitive abilities. White noise can also help us get better sleep.

In recent years, many parents have begun to use white noise to calm their children. There are many who claim that this type of sound can improve sleep quality. But is it true?

If true, white noise can help many people with sleep disorders. If you want to know more about this topic, this article is for you!

A sketch of a transparent, sleeping, man

What is white noise?

As with light, sound can also be presented through a spectral diagram. Then you can see that just as the color white is the sum of all other colors, white noise compiles the whole spectrum of existing sound frequencies. This happens harmonically, where none of the sound frequencies surpasses each other.

The result is a constant and uniform sound, like the sound of a tuned radio or a buzzing in the background. It can also be compared to the natural sounds of rain and wind.

Using white noise to help people get better sleep

The most important positive effects of the phenomenon depend on how much ability our dreams have to hide other sounds. This is why some people can find peace and rest even during ongoing traffic noise or other disturbing stimuli.

The relaxing effect of white noise works especially well in infants and those who are normally easily awakened. This sound can block other sounds, preventing them from stimulating the cerebral cortex.

Similarly, people suffering from tinnitus can benefit from it to achieve high quality sleep. White noise can block the wheezing that tinnitus causes.

White noise can help people sleep better: A woman who sleeps using a white noise machine.

Are there any side effects?

However, it is not all just good news. White noise does not work for everyone. People with sleep apnea and other respiratory diseases should not use it. Overuse can also have negative effects.

Using it every night for a long time can damage the hair cells, ie. those that capture sound. The constant presence of a roaring sound will keep these cells active. It prevents them from performing the regeneration processes that occur in your body while you sleep.

With infants, you need to be extra careful. Listening at too high a volume can damage children’s hearing and increase the risk of language difficulties.

The best way to use white noise to get better sleep

There is not enough scientific evidence for the benefits of using white noise to get better sleep. But if it works for you, use it sparingly. Try to use it on specific days when you can not sleep, and at the same time make sure to keep the sound at a reasonable volume.

The same goes for children. If your children relax when they listen to it, use it only when nothing else can calm them down, and even then in moderation.

To get better sleep, start by practicing good sleep hygiene. Set specific times to fall asleep and wake up, avoid foods and beverages that contain sugar at night and maintain a good sleeping environment.

A child sleeping happily with white noise

If you cannot fall asleep or if you have a sleep disorder, make an appointment with a sleep specialist first. They can give you the tools and information you need to get better sleep. White noise may be an option, but not a long-term solution.

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