5 Quotes About The Importance Of Patience

5 Quotes About The Importance Of Being Patient

It is a real art to be able to be patient. The person who has developed this ability has shown that he or she has achieved a higher level of personal development. This means that you have self-control, an ability to tolerate frustration and an ability to see things from different perspectives.

When we are born, we are completely different. Babies do not wait to meet their needs. They want their needs met immediately. If they do not get what they want, they become frustrated and start crying.

Having patience is an ability that only comes with time, experience and continuous personal development. It is a virtue that protects and strengthens us when we encounter adversity. It allows us to deal with difficulties while maintaining a great attitude. All the great thinkers knew this, and they have therefore left behind valuable quotes. Here are some of them.

If anyone understands the importance of patience, it is hunters and fishermen. That is the reason why Joseph-Antoine René Joubert once said: “The pleasure of the hunt is the pleasure of waiting” . As you can see, it is not a sacrifice for hunters to be patient but rather a pleasure.

A hunter’s patience is active. It’s part of the output of catching the prey. The only way to catch it is to give it time to get out of its hiding place and to be there to act on time. The same goes for fishermen. In fact, this is a metaphor for life. Not every opportunity is the right time. You have to be patient and know how to act when the right moment arises.

Man riding a fish.

The following quote comes from Gustave Flaubert: “You have to wait when you are desperate and continue when you wait” . This is the paradox that arises when you know how to be patient. This does not mean that we have to be passive. We should instead move in the right direction.

Active patience means that you do not sit and let time fly away. Instead, it means that you are aware of how important it is to continue in the right direction, even if that process is minimal or not exactly what we had hoped for.

Part of the art of knowing how to be patient is not to worry about future problems. We often try to solve problems that have not yet arisen.

Julia Navarro reminded us of something similar when she said: “When we get to that river, we will talk about that bridge” . This means that we do not know if we will even reach the river. We may not do it, but we spend a lot of time building bridges in our minds.

To have patience before reaching the bridge

Samuel Johnson said: “But it is important to have hope, but hope should always be deceived; for hope means happiness, and its frustration is less frightening than its annihilation, no matter how frequent it is. ”

As Johnson said, hope is in the essence of happiness. This means waiting for tomorrow with optimism and positive expectations. Even if what you are waiting for does not arrive, a good attitude will make us look at things positively. Despair, however, is death for all future dreams. Life itself begins to lose all value.

Butterfly landing on a woman's shoulder.

This is a simple quote, but one of the most relevant. Henry W. Longfellow said: “Everything good comes to those who wait” . He put together everything that can be said about having patience in a single quote.

Many times we do not get what we want because we do not harden enough. Sometimes it takes a long time. That long wait may lead us to move on to the work too fast. We forget that the longer we persevere, the greater the chances of achieving what we want.

Knowing how to be patient is part of being mature. It is one of the most difficult challenges in life, but also the most rewarding in the end. Anyone who has patience knows how to live.

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