4 Movies That Will Motivate You At Work

4 movies that will motivate you at work

“Choose a job you love and you will not have to work one day in your life.” Confucius said this 2,500 years ago, and it seems that this advice has not lost an ounce of its relevance. Do you like your job? Do you need to motivate yourself more at work? Maybe the videos below can help you with that.

Do not forget that professional and personal development tend to go hand in hand. We generally spend 40 hours at work every week. Many people, however, exceed this by far, so it is logical to think that motivation is vital to maintain this rhythm, but motivation is not easy to maintain for such a long time.

No matter how much you try to separate your work life from your personal life, serious problems at work will infiltrate other areas of life. But if you find the right profession and succeed in motivating yourself enough, your development will benefit in many ways. Having a job where you feel comfortable and where you can unleash all your talents and abilities will be the best type of motivation.

There is no doubt that film is a fantastic art form. In addition to providing entertainment , some movies can also make us feel good and happy. The movies on today’s list really can do that, and they’re all connected to work in some way.

Jerry Maguire, played by Tom Cruise, thinks he has it all. He is a successful sports agent who represents elite athletes and his life is perfect until everything collapses and he has to start all over again.

Jerry Maguire

Sometimes there is nothing more encouraging than starting over. You may think that you are on top and that everything is fantastic, but when you start personal projects from scratch, for whatever reason, you get different levels of satisfaction from every achievement you make, no matter how small they are. It all depends on the effort you invest, which makes the performance even more admirable and enjoyable.

Believing in something and having a dream is the first step towards success. That’s what Chris Gardner thought – the person that Will Smith’s character is based on in this movie. It is not easy to face adversity in front of your young child in the pursuit of success, but Gardner’s capacity for sacrifice and hard work in such difficult circumstances led him to reach his goal.

Success can be financial, personal, emotional, etc. What is important is that you have a clear picture of what you want. In this film, you see a man with a clear vision of his future, who fights against all odds to make it a reality. Nothing and no one could stop him, despite the fact that there were times when the easiest thing would have been to throw in the towel.

This popular movie is based on the true success story of Mark Zuckerberg – the famous creator of Facebook. It follows in his footsteps from the development of the social network in his residence at Harvard University to his lawsuit about copyright infringement.

This may not be an example of a legitimate way to achieve success, but one thing is for sure: Zuckerberg wanted to take on the challenge and struck every chord before finally finding the right one. If you want to start something new and need to be motivated, maybe you can find what you need in this movie.

Mark Zuckerberg


We will once again focus on a film based on real events. This one tells the story of Erin Brockovich – a single, unemployed mother. In the end, she finds not only a job, but also another reason to live.

Erin Brockovich, played by Julia Roberts, works with legal aid and finds a reason to transform her job into a way to help others. Brockovich is committed to social justice and to fighting for what she thinks is right, against all odds. And along the way, she must overcome many different problems and pitfalls.

An important detail about the films we have described here is that they are all based on true stories about real people, such as Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Gardner and Erin Brockovich, who are still doing the jobs they like. So ask yourself: can your job motivate you? Maybe one of these movies can help you find or clarify your job career. Remember that if you believe in yourself, there is nothing you can not accomplish with a little effort and imagination.

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